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    field. This plays in the factor conditions of Porters diamond. Education was very high in the research field of Teva. Not only did they have the refugee scientists but they gained much knowledge from the Weismann Institute/ Hebrew University of Jerusalem. This allowed Teva to develop their drugs at a high level of expertise and to bring them to the point of leading that region in drug research. There were also high levels of natural resources in this area. There were a few small pharmaceutical

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    The Lost Tribes of Israel

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    Historical background Tribe of Judah According to the Hebrew Bible‚ the Tribe of Judah (Hebrew: יְהוּדָה‚ Modern Yehuda Tiberian Yəhûḏā ; "Praise") was one of the Tribes of Israel.Following the completion of the conquest of Canaan by the Israelite tribes after about 1200 BCE‚[1] Joshua allocated the land among the twelve tribes. From after the conquest of the land by Joshua until the formation of the first Kingdom of Israel in c. 1050 BCE‚ the Tribe of Judah was a part of a loose confederation

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    Holy Seulcher Significance

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    The significance of the modern day Jerusalem as a religious capital cannot be established without the sacred sites of different religions in the city‚ including the Western Wall of the ancient Jewish Temple and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher of the Christians. After the complete destruction of the Jewish Temple in 70 CE by the Roman forces‚ Jerusalem was stripped of its spiritual axis and left desolated with the Jews banned from the city. Consequently‚ when the Church of the Holy Sepulcher was

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    Lazarus In The Odyssey

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    Shout aloud‚ O daughter Jerusalem! Lo‚ your king comes to you; triumphant and victorious is he‚ humble and riding on a donkey‚ on a colt‚ the foal of a donkey. He will cut off the chariot from Ephraim and the war-horse from Jerusalem; and the battle bow shall be cut off‚ and he shall command peace to the nations; his dominion shall be from sea to sea‚ and from the River to the

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    HISTORY: Biblical Judaism and Rabbinical Judaism Two great spans of time—before and after the destruction of the Second Temple (c. 70 CE) A. First great span of time—BIBLICAL JUDAISM: 1. A landless people established a homeland in Israel and made Jerusalem the capital of its kingdom. 2. The kingdom of Judah and its First Temple were destroyed by the Babylonians (586 BCE)‚ forcing the Israelite people into exile in Babylonia (Iraq) for nearly 50 years. 3. These events made clear to the exiled people

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    and you did d. not ask possessions‚ wealth‚ honour......." God 1verse 11 9. What else was given to King Solomon besides wisdom and e. knowledge? Riches‚ possessions and honour 1verse 12 10. What did the King made common in Jerusalem as stone? silver and f. gold 1verse 15 3. 2 CHRONICLES 2 11. What did King Solomon purposed to build for the name of the Lord? g. Temple verse 1 12. Who was king of Tyre? King Huram 2verse 3 13. Supply the

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    anointed and chosen by the "men of Judah” (Sam. 2:4) and later by the "elders of Israel" (2 Sam. 5:3)‚ but he also conquered Jerusalem and called it the "city of David" (2 Sam. 5:9); he had a capital city that he considered his personal property‚ not a part of any tribal allotment. The next important amplification of David’s royal ideology was the transfer of the ark to Jerusalem (2 Sam.6:1-15); with this step the "city of David" was made co-extensive with Israel’s cultic center. Considered to be one

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    Descriptive Essay

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    and I would take full advantage of the chance to go back another time. I have more than a handful of relatives in the Middle East. Some of my family members live throughout the many small cities in Israel‚ with the majority living in the city of Jerusalem‚ also known as “The Holy City”. Aside from that‚ I have a couple of my grandfather’s family living in Beirut‚ Lebanon‚ a fairly small country that stretches across the Mediterranean Sea and lies directly North of Israel. Along with my family being

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    Edward Said

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    Edwars Said was born a Palestinian Arab in Jerusalem in 1935‚ and was American through his father‚ Wadie Saïd‚ who was a U.S. Citizen. Wadie Saïd‚ his father moved to Cairo‚ before the birth of his son . He spent much of his childhood travelling back and forth from Cairo to Jerusalem‚ visiting relatives. Saïd said that in his childhood he lived “between worlds” — like Cairo (Egypt) and in Jerusalem (Palestine). Here are some of his words from this period of life: "I was an uncomfortably anomalous

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    Abdul Kalam

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    Egypt‚ Jerusalem and other holy sites. After lunch we continue to Mt.Nebo‚ (Deut 34:1-7) the most revered site in Jordan. Mt. Nebo is presumed to be the site of Moses’s death and burial place. On top of the mountain is a Franciscan Church with beautiful 4th and 6th century mosaics. Visit the Serpent Monument near the Church. From a platform in front of the church you can take in a breathtaking view like Moses across the Jordan valley and the Dead Sea‚ Jericho to the rooftops of Jerusalem and Bethlehem

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