[pic] WHAT DO MUSLIMS BELIEVE? BY MUHAMMAD AMMAR CONTENTS Belief in Allah subhana na wa ta’ala 6 Belief in Prophecy 7 Belief in Angels 8 Belief in the Books 9 Fate 10 Death 11 Death of a Muslim 11 Death of a Non-Believer 14 The day of Judgement 16 Imam Mahdi 16 Dajjal (The Anti-Christ) 18 Hazrat Isa (Jesus) comes back to Earth 21 Hazrat Tamim Dari saw Dajjal 22 Ya’jooj Ma’jooj (Gog Megog) 23 The sinking of the houses 26 Smoke 26 The rising of the Sun from the West 26
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Assignment Submission Assignment one. Question 1: Analyse the differences and similarities between counselling and psychotherapy making reference of the terms ‘Counsellor’ and ‘Psychotherapist’. A common misconception about Counselling and Psychotherapy is that it is simply an advice giving service‚ this view is further perpetuated by the practices of dictionaries who define counselling as‚” The job or the process of listening to someone and giving them advice about their problems.” (Cambridge
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Strengths & Weaknesses in Styles There are many different decision making styles and no right or wrong one. “Decision making involves uncertainly and risk‚ and decision makers have varying degrees of risk aversion” (Bianco‚ 2010). Rational‚ and intuitive are just two styles out of a list of many. The approach people take to decision making may be how they see a specific decision. Rational decision making is a method used to analyze information through an organized process. The pros of rational
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Some are rally core to me and they define who I am‚ whilst others change in importance dependant on my needs at any given time. My values and beliefs have changed over the years and will continue to as I grow and develop as an individual. May main vales and beliefs are as follows: I value individuality‚ every person is unique and deserves to be treated so. Every person has the right to make their own choices and decisions‚ even if I do not agree with them. I believe that you learn and develop
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for their proper actions. Through Atticus’s strengths and weaknesses when he fathers‚ Jem and Scout receive a different perspective of growing up. Multiple characters in the book discuss the odd way that Atticus treats his children. The Finch’s way of life is very opposite of the stereotypical southern family. Since Atticus raised Jem and Scout by himself‚ many of his strengths and weaknesses as a father stand out. First‚ Bbecause of Atticus’s strengths as a father‚ Jem and Scout mature and become
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demonstrate various concepts within this approach. I shall touch on the seven stages one goes through whilst attending therapy and how this may benefit both the Client and the Therapist‚ followed by the three primary core conditions plus Spirituality- the fourth condition of which Roger was in the process of developing before his death. I shall also be looking at some developments by other Therapist and finally both the strengths and limitations to this approach. In my opinion Carl Rogers sums it
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Present complex internal business information using three different methods appropriate to the user’s needs. * I am going to use is Samsung Galaxy S2. I will be describing: How the product is being marketed. How has it been marketed? What are the sales figures? How effective was the marketing? How does the business measure the effectiveness of its marketing? The Samsung Galaxy S II is a touch screen-based‚ slate-format Android Smartphone designed‚ developed‚ and marketed by Samsung
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STUDENT DETAILS ACAP Student ID: 199735 Name: Karla Balino Course: Diploma of Counselling (CHC51708) ASSESSMENT DETAILS Unit/Module: CHC8D34V Support Clients Educator: Bernadette Brown Assessment Name: 2 (Apply counselling therapies to address a range of client issues) Assessment Number: 2 Term & Year: Term 3 / 2012 Word Count: Part 1200 words. DECLARATION I declare that this assessment is my own work‚ based on my own personal research/study . I also declare
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In this essay I will analyse my own counselling session in which my counsellor‚ Lys‚ and I established a cause for the anxiety I was feeling. As part of this analysis‚ I will identify key skills used to establish an effective counselling relationship. Reflecting upon my experience of the counselling process and integrating it to current theory will enable me to use this experience to develop my own skills as a counsellor. To facilitate my analysis‚ it is necessary for me to not only define what
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