By being able to identify my own values and beliefs is an important aspect of my continual personal growth. I use them to guide my actions and behaviours throughout my life as well as helping form attitudes towards different things. Some are rally core to me and they define who I am, whilst others change in importance dependant on my needs at any given time.
My values and beliefs have changed over the years and will continue to as I grow and develop as an individual. May main vales and beliefs are as follows:
I value individuality, every person is unique and deserves to be treated so. Every person has the right to make their own choices and decisions, even if I do not agree with them.
I believe that you learn and develop from your mistakes.
I believe in open mindedness, even if you can’t see or test something it does not mean that it is not true… seeing is not always believing.
1.2 Outline how these values and beliefs could have an effect on helping relationships
A counsellor’s approach is unique and is based as much on their own belief system and personal values as the theories they have studied. A good counsellor will be able to use these to help promote a good positive working relationship with their clients.
By knowing our own values and beliefs it helps to realise that others have different values and beliefs, and to have a positive helping relationship. They have to respect everyone’s values and beliefs. The counsellor has to remain non-judgmental and non- bias.
Values and beliefs can come across to clients in a positive and negative way. For a good helping relationship we want to show our positive and helpful values and beliefs these can come across in how we behave and act. For example as neutral and non-judgmental. As honest and fair. We can show that we are empathic and accepting of our clients. Open mindedness can come across to a client by the counsellor being empathic,