Assignment 305 Aii
Promoting person-centred values
We all have our own values that have developed as a result of our family and childhood experiences, and as a result of our friendships and relationships. Our values are also influenced by people in our local community, as well as by national figures and the media.
Support workers in social care are expected to promote particular values.
There are two important points to note. First, the idea that learning disability workers are supporting a person. It is not a question of being in charge or in control, because choice and decision-making should lie with the person, as far as possible. Second, it is very important that these principles are part of your everyday work. There should be nothing special about them; they should be part of day-to-day life.
Person-centred Values include:
Individuality Privacy
Rights Independence
Choice Dignity
Respect Partnership It is important to respect the rights of the individual to be at the centre of their own care. This means that care workers must focus on what the individual wants and how they want it to be provided.
Social care workers must respect and celebrate difference, make sure that the individual gets value for money and is satisfied with the service provided.
Assignment 305 Aiii
Wellbeing of Individuals
Factors that can contribute to the wellbeing of Individuals can include:
•Physical activity •Purposeful activities
Lift mood The concepts of mental health or ideas held about quality of life held by older
Help deal with negative feelings people do not differ substantially from those of younger people
Bring a sense of mental wellbeing Continue roles and contributions to family, friends, community and society
Improve sleep Have a meaningful role in daily affairs
Reduce tension levels
Reduce feelings of stress or fatigue
Increase energy