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    Supreme Court considered the Lemon v. Kurtzman case simultaneously with two additional Rhode Island cases. After the Court reviewed the two state acts‚ Lemon argued that the Nonpublic Elementary and Secondary Education Act violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment‚ claiming that such funding required an intimate

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    Marbury vs. Madison What was the case: Marbury was a soon-to-be appointed justice of the peace when Adam’s presidency came to an end‚ resulting in his successor‚ Thomas Jefferson denying credibility of the appointments because they were not completed during the time of Adam’s presidency. Jefferson’s Secretary of State‚ James Madison‚ was asked to allow the commissions. Decision: The Supreme Court denied Marbury’s writ of mandamus and he was denied the commissions. Reasoning: Congress cannot expand

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    |For Project 6‚ complete Research Case 31 on page 458‚ Chapter 13. | | | | | |

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    In the case of the People v. Lewie‚ Michael Flint pleaded guilty to two counts of depraved indifference murder for the horrific murder of 8 year old Colbi Bullock. The defendant’s girlfriend Alicia Lewie‚ and mother to Colbi was charged with both involuntary manslaughter and child endangerment due to Ms. Lewie failing to get the child the medical treatment he so desperately needed. In my opinion‚ Alicia Lewie could undoubtedly be charged with both child endangerment and involuntary manslaughter

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    May 5‚ 2011 Majority Opinion Case: Morse V Frederick After reviewing the case of Morse v Frederick‚ on a vote of 4-0‚ the court concluded that the school officials did not violate the First Amendment by confiscating the pro-drug banner and suspending the student responsible for it.  On January 24‚ 2002‚ Principal Deborah Morse of Juneau-Douglass High School created a school-sanctioned event. This event allowed students to participate in the Olympic Torch Relay. The torch was on its way to Salt

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    Expert: dkennedy replied 2 years ago. INTEROFFICE MEMO TO: XXXXX Attorney FROM: Paralegal DATE: June 24‚ 2012 RE: Sherman Case The potential clients are Rob Sherman and his wife‚ Bunny Sherman. They have a 15 year old son‚ Rob‚ Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman’s goal is to file suit against the Church of the Divine Light‚ which is in practice similar to the Church of Scientology‚ but is in actuality independent of any organized church. The couple alleges that they have suffered damages by the Church of

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    Amanda McLain Dr. Harbour POSC 150-05 September 11‚ 2013 Brown v. The Board of Education of Topeka In 1954 there was a specific Supreme Court case that caused a lot of controversy in the world: Brown v. The Board of Education of Topeka‚ Kansas. This cause came about because an 8-year-old little girl‚ Linda Brown‚ was denied permission to attend the elementary school 5 blocks from her house because she was not white; instead she was assigned to a nonwhite school 21 blocks from her house

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    People v. Rangel (2012) : Case Brief Issue: When a search warrant is issued on the grounds of proving someone to be a part of gang activity‚ is it logical to be able to search their personal items such as a phone? Facts: San Mateo police believed that supposed gang member Eric Rangel was responsible for the felony assault that took place in a local park and also that it was a gang-related crime. As a result police obtained a search warrant of Rangel’s home on the grounds of proving “gang indicia”

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    9th Amendment Certain rights‚ shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people Court Case Significance Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) Griswold was the Executive Director of the Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut. She and her colleague were convicted for giving a married couple tips on how to prevent contraception. In a 7-2 decision it was decided that the constitution from the the bill of rights 1‚3‚4‚ and 9th amendments together create a right for marital privacy

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    the agency relationship with Hilendorf (“Hilendorf‚” n.d.). An agency relationship can be terminated by an act of both parties‚ an unusual change of circumstances‚ impossibility of performance‚ and operation of law (Cheeseman‚ 2013‚ p. 393). In the case of Hilgendorf v. Hague‚ the contract was not terminated by an act of both parties‚ because Hilgendorf (agent) did not acquiesce to Hague’s (principal) attempt to terminate the relationship‚ the stated time of the contract had not passed‚ and due to

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