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    Film Editing

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    FILM UNIT I’M NOT SCARED/IO NON HO PAURA (2003) DIRECTED BY GABRIELE SALVATORES An English teaching resource for year 12: Achievement Standard 2.5 REBECCA LAGAS & ZANITA THOMPSON UNIT OVERVIEW Unit Title: I’m Not Scared Either - An Introduction to a Sub-Titled Film. Strand: Visual Language (with links to Written and Oral Language) Levels: 6‚ 7 and 8 Function: Viewing (with links to Presenting‚ Listening/Speaking and Transactional Writing) Processes:

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    The second cause is ‘relative-deprivation’; this refers to how deprived someone feels in relation to others‚ or compared with their own expectations; this can lead to crime when people feel resentment that‚ unfairly‚ others are better off than them. Lea and Young state that ethnic minorities feel

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    Genetic Testing Ethics

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    require the clinicians and healthcare professionals knowledge about risks and ethical implication of genetic diseases. “Ethical theories and principles provide a framework for resolving ethical dilemmas in maternal screening for genetic conditions” (Lea‚ Williams‚ & Donahue 2005‚ page. 234). Ethical theories such as Utilitarianism defines ethic as moral action and consequences

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    Cyberculture and Our Youth

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    Computer-Mediated Communication: http://jcmc.indiana.edu/vol10/issue3/matei.html Matyjas‚ B. (2008). Cyberculture: Dangers for Childhood. Retrieved April 5‚ 2011‚ from The New Edicational Review: http://www.educationalrev.us.edu.pl/vol/tner_3_2008.pdf#page=195 Michele L. Ybarra‚ MPH‚ PhD‚ Kimberly J. Mitchell‚ PhD . (2008‚ January 28). How Risky Are Social Networking Sites? A Comparison of Places Online Where Youth Sexual Solicitation and Harassment Occurs. Retrieved April 6‚ 2011‚ from Pediatrics: Official Journal

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    my desire. She was unwilling‚ and so treated me with her nails that I wished I had never begun. I then took a piece of rope and whipped her soundly‚ and she let forth such incredible screams that you would not have believed your ears.” (Michele de Cuneo) Michele de Cuneo was a crewmember of Columbus’ second expedition in 1493-1496. It is hard to go without noticing a pattern of Columbus looking the other way while horrible things happen to Indigenous people. One of Columbus’ supposed good deeds was


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    it would break. Then he quit and followed his baseball dreams. The second whirligig was made in San Diego and placed on the porch of a youth hostel there. This wind toy depicted a whale whose spout went up and down in the wind. After realizing that Lea was not in this whirligig Brent added a mermaid to the top of the whale’s spout. The viewer of this whirligig is Jenny’s grandmother. She came to the states after World War II with the memories of those that died in the concentration camps still plaguing

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    Dangers Of Inclusion

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    Defining the term ‘inclusion’‚ according to Sikes at al. (2007:366)‚ ‘is a thorny and controversial task which has occupied many commentators over the years’. Many have also argued that ‘inclusion is a bewildering concept which can have a variety of interpretations and applications’ (Avramidis et al.‚ 2002:158 cited Hansen‚ 2011:62). One might consider inclusion in relation to acknowledging diversity - people differ in all sorts of ways from race and ethnicity‚ culture and belief‚ gender and sexuality

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    An Ethnic minority background increases your chances of arrest and conviction‚ some people argue that police racism in itself results in higher suspicion against black people in general. According to official statistics there are significant ethnic differences in the likelihood of being involved in the criminal justice system. Black and Asians are overrepresented in the system. For example black people make up 2.8% of the population‚ but 11% of the prison population. Contrastingly whites are underrepresented

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    Ell Assessments

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    ELLs Assessments The mission of North Carolina Department of Education schools is to ensure that all students are accepted in the educational system. It is also the mission of NCDE to give every student the opportunity to receive the highest quality education possible. Due to the fact that immigrant students are the fastest and largest growing population in schools in the United States‚ it is crucial to develop a comprehensive plan that will identify and meet the needs of the English Language learners

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    Community Schools – These Schools are controlled by the local council and not influenced by business or religious groups. These schools are state funded and are run by the local education authority (LEA). The staff are employed by the LEA but the govening body is responsible for the running of the school. The LEA decides the “admissions criteria” to use if the school has more applicants than places. Some of the possible criteria are; 1. If you live in the area. 2. If the child has any siblings

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