"Lessons about the iliad" Essays and Research Papers

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    Lesson Plan

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    Lesson Plan Name: Josh Martinez_____________________________ Grade Level: 8th _______________________________________ Subject: Algebra I________________________________ Title of Lesson: Linear Equations using Graphs_______________ Directions: Fill out each section under the four lesson domains by responding to the questions provided. Also‚ use the rubrics provided ensure your lesson components meet the “Target” criteria for each rubric. Establishing the Lesson Framework TEKS:

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    Major Lessons

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    Jerusalem Kitila 5/16/13 Pd.2 Major Lessons In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird‚ Harper Lee selects Jean Louise Finch‚ "Scout"‚ as the narrator. It allows the reader to see how Scout matures as a person. The story takes place in Maycomb‚ Alabama around the 1950’s. Scout lives with her brother Jem‚ and her father‚ Atticus .Scout is six when the story begins‚ and as she grows she can see how things really were. Scout learns not to judge people‚ fight in what you believe in and

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    Lesson Plan

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    LESSONS & UNITS: MAIN IDEA 4TH GRADE UNIT Lesson 1: Topic Sentence Learning Outcome Identify the main idea of a paragraph using the topic sentence of the paragraph Duration Approximately 50 minutes Necessary Materials Provided: Direct Teaching and Guided Practice Passage‚“Buckle Up?;” Independent Practice Passage‚ “Hawaii Quakes‚ Then Shakes” and Worksheet Not Provided: N/A Lesson Plan DIRECT TEACHING will explain that strong paragraphs have a topic sentence. This topic sentence

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    A Life Lesson

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    Cesar V. Professor. Losack College Writing Narrative Essay A LIFE LESSON It was a beautiful Sunday morning‚ clear blue sky and the sun shining as bright as it could. I was up early getting ready to head to the shop‚ where I make a living as a mechanic. My girlfriend Grissel was in the kitchen making me breakfast so I could start my day on a good note. I knew it was going to be a good day when the house was filled with the smell of my favorite crispy bacon‚ scrambled eggs

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    Horseback Lessons

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    after trying every other sport‚ riding struck a chord inside my heart. Soon it became my life‚ my obsession‚ and I was spending any extra moment at the barn learning all that I possibility could about horses. This mentality continued over the years‚ as I went from attending camp to instructing others my age about the information I had learned. As soon as I was able‚ I was working at the barn and caring for the horses‚ which has been my annual summer job. It is


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    three thousand years ago‚ people who lived in the starkly beautiful part of the world we now call Greece were telling stories about a great war. 2. What are Homer’s great war stories?Iliad and the Odyssey 3. Homer’s stories can probably be traced to what and where? Historical struggles; Aegean sea to the sea of Marmara and Black sea. 4. Homer’s first epic poem and Iliad tells to story of ?Be Specific 10 year war fought outside troy. 5. Who was the Trojan War fought between? People of Troy and

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    Lesson Observation

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    session was held in Basic Skills Classroom‚ which is well equipped‚ well lit and well maintained. This showed an understanding about ways to maintain a learning environment in which learners feel safe and supported (BK 1.1) This was my first observation and would count towards the PTLLS module of my PGCE. The session ran for 95 minutes. Planning The aim of the lesson was to introduce the learners to different aspects of handling data through the use of circus skills. The learner’s objectives

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    Topic Exploration In the great works of literature The Iliad and The Epic of Gilgamesh there is one theme that stood out to me the most. This is the theme of heroism. In each of these stories a hero is shown in many different characters‚ but they all have some similarities. It also depends on the reader who is interpreting the story. For instance for me in The Epic of Gilgamesh both Enkidu and Gilgamesh could be considered heroes. Many times in ancient Greek stories the typical definition of a hero

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    Lesson Reflection

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    Lesson Reflection Spelling Lesson My lesson reflection My lesson was based upon the spelling words for the week. I enlarged the letters of each word i.e: make. These letters were distributed between the students‚ I would call out a word and the students were to utilise cooperative learning to create the answer. The students with the corresponding letters stood up‚ they said each letter and then the word‚ from here the entire class would day and spell the word. Students worked well during

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    Hector the Trojan Hero Hero. A word used widely throughout Homer’s The Iliad‚ but interpreted differently in the eye of the beholder. Though there seems to be numerous definitions of a hero‚ one that can accurately define such a person is someone of distinguished courage and nobility that will put all others before themselves for the greater good of others while possessing the strength and cunningness to overcome obstacles they may be faced with. It can be seen throughout the poem that Hector

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