Odysseus feels proud of blinding Polyphemus since he goes to the lengths of proclaiming his name for credit which soon proves itself as an idiotic move as well because Poseidon then destroys their ship after having heard Polyphemus’ prayer about
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intelligence and strength allow him to get out of difficult situations‚ but his one flaw that was bringing Odysseus down was his hubris. The whole time Odysseus was trying to get home‚ he had many opportunities to display these traits‚ for example giving Polyphemus the wine to put him asleep showed his intelligence because this was the best way to injure the giant while causing the least amount of death. When he hung from the fig tree and waited for his ship‚ or being trapped in Polyphemus’s cave are all obstacles
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During his journey back home‚ he encountered a giant‚ Polyphemus. This giant murders four of his soldiers and Odysseus does not stand for it. He purposefully drunkens the giant and yells at him “You barbarian!” “What you’ve done outrages all that’s right!” (Homer 9. 391-395). Although he makes sure that the Cyclops
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Odyssey‚ is a hero. In the section “The Cyclops”‚ Odysseus represents these five characteristics in many forms. His bravery is shown when he approached the Cyclops‚ Polyphemus‚ while trapped in his cave‚ to yell about not obeying the gods’ rule of treating guests well‚ as he was not‚ to Odysseus and his men. A portion of what he told Polyphemus was‚ “We would entreat you‚ great sir‚ have a care for the gods’ courtesy; Zeus will avenge the unoffending guest.” While hollering at him‚ Odysseus was very much
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They notice that the Cyclops has no manners. Polyphemus starts asking them questions; Odysseus doesn’t want to tell him anything that can be used to track home back home if he escapes‚ so Odysseus tells Polyphemus‚ “Cyclops‚ you ask my honorable name? Remember the gift you promised me‚ and I shall tell you. My name is Nohbdy: mother‚ father‚ and friends‚ everyone calls me Nohbdy
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he’s independent. When Odysseus and his men had come to Polyphemus’s cave they had no clue where or who’s home they were in. Odysseus and his men helped had helped themselves on resting in the Cyclops home and eating all his food and wine. When Polyphemus had came into the
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to his wife and kingship for over 20 years. During his absence‚ suitors try taking the throne of King Odysseus and stealing his wife‚ Penelope. Throughout his journey‚ Great Odysseus encounters Circe’s island‚ the island of Calypso‚ the island of Polyphemus‚ and Poseidon’s torture at sea‚ that slow down his journey getting home; but these moments show his heroism. The first island he encounters is home of the goddess‚ Circe. Odysseus and his men stop at this island in hope for direction to Ithaca
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of these traits. Odysseus showed many god-like qualities‚ and one of them was intelligence. He showed how smart he could be when he deceived the Cyclops‚ Polyphemus by telling him his name was “nobody” and then disguising his men as sheep so that Polyphemus would obliviously let them out of his cave. At last when Odysseus tricks Polyphemus into
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efficient walking & swimming * wings in most • one of 2 phyla to fly Monarch butterfly metamorphosis Arthropod limbs • Two types‚ relating to feeding mode * Uniramous‚ single branch * Biramous‚ two branches‚ sometimes gnathobasic (like in Limulus and the trilobites) * Some doubt cast recently on this simple scheme! Trilobite gnathobasic limbs Further arthropod anatomy • Extensive cephalization (sense organs & mouth parts) • Well developed • sense organs: * “Taste” * Sight
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hardships he endures. Odysseus has been shown to be an epic character through the conflict he faces. One example of this is Polyphemus‚ or the Cyclops he encounters in a cave. The Cyclops was not allowing his men and himself to leave‚ and Polyphemus was eating them. He later stabbed the Cyclops’s eye and escaped. Another example of conflict would be Poseidon. Since Polyphemus is Poseidon’s son‚ he isn’t happy with Odysseus for stabbing out his son’s eye‚ so he creates terrible storms for Odysseus
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