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    Homelessness is a global tragedy that is an ongoing problem which arouses anxiety in government and civil society. There are many difficulties in defining what ‘homelessness’ really means. There has been a long debate about the definition of homelessness in Western countries (Neil & Fopp‚ 1992). Questions arise such as; how should we define people who don’t own their own accommodation but are staying temporarily with other households? Should they be labelled as homeless? This leads to the debate

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    Insomnia Literature Review

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    Insomnia Insomnia affects almost half of adults living in America. (# 8‚ 2012) This is a shared sleeping disorder that many people across the universe are diagnosed with. Several causes of insomnia include exercising too much‚ stress‚ withdrawal from alcohol or a certain drug‚ physical circumstances‚ and diseases. People with insomnia usually have trouble going to sleep or staying asleep‚ which causes people to have poor-quality sleep‚ which will affect their mood‚ energy‚ and productiveness

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    This article focuses on hyperacusis is‚ how it works‚ and the different treatment approaches based on what is currently known. Hyperacusis is defined as “ unusual tolerance to ordinary environmental sounds and‚ more pejoratively ‚ as consistently exaggerated or inappropriate responses to sounds that are neither threatening nor uncomfortable loud to a typical person‚” (Baguley 2003) I learned in class that due to cochlear hearing loss caused by the loss of outer hair cells‚ patients have a smaller

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    Literature Review If you believe everything you read‚ better not read. (Japanese Proverb) [pic] What is a literature review? A literature review is an account of what has been published on a topic in the past. Its purpose is to inform the reader what has been established about a topic and what the strengths and weaknesses are. A literature review must be defined by a guiding concept and should not be a list of all the material that you can find (Porter‚ S. 2008‚ p.49). What is

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    Literature Review Assignment The primary purpose of this assignment is to help you understand that the literature review is an integral part of any research project and how it lays the groundwork for the investigation you will do. Quoting from Hart (1998‚ p 13)‚ Sekaran and Bougie (2013) define a literature review as‚ …the selection of available documents (both published and unpublished) on the topic‚ which contain information‚ ideas‚ data and evidence written from a particular standpoint to fulfill

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    Literature Review on Strategic Management with Emphasis on Porter’s Theories as Applied in Current Decision Making Abstract This review provides an overview of a few of the key topics that have defined the strategic management field since the later twentieth century. Strategic planning‚ strategic planning frameworks and strategy implementation issues are discussed both from a historical and modern perspective. Michael Porter’s frameworks and generic strategy provide an excellent backdrop

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    HEAT AND DEHYDRATION LITERATURE REVIEWS   1  Literature Review #1  By Josh Schreck  A Review of “Exercise­induced dehydration with and without environmental heat   stress results in increased oxidative stress”  Summary: ​ This experiment and its results are very important for understanding the  effect of heat on dehydration and their relationship.  Many 90­minute cycling trials were  performed‚ with different combinations of temperature and hydration status.  While all  trials presented ​ cellular stress

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    ADDICTIVENESS OF CANNABIS The Addictiveness of Cannabis: A Review of the literature Zachary Gill Southern Oregon University University Seminar June 2‚ 2014 ADDICTIVENESS OF CANNABIS Abstract As a country‚ we have been fighting and struggling with the war on drugs since the turn of the century. In recent times two states‚ Washington and Colorado‚ have legalized cannabis for recreational use with the same stipulations as alcohol. It seems to be that the general public has begun

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    Effects of Intrinsic Motivation on Eleventh Grade Student’s Achievement LITERATURE REVIEW Compiling an abundance of resources to review for this research was quite easy. It seems that since the beginning of time‚ employers and educators alike have tried to determine what yields the greatest output from their workforce or students. Every person that has ever read the newspaper or have visited a school can vouch that rewards

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    Management Literature Review “During the 1980s the concept of corporate culture captured the imagination of management researchers and practitioners alike. In particular‚ Peters and Waterman’s (1982) book entitled In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America’s Best-Run Companies proclaimed that the key to corporate success was a strongly unified corporate culture.” Wilson (1996:87) Corporate culture has always been a part of every business since it was first introduced in the 1980’s. It doesn’t

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