the plant. This means that guard cells on the stomata are generally inactive. 3. An increased number of stomata‚ that can be on either side of leaves. 4. A less rigid structure: water pressure supports them. 5. Flat leaves on surface plants for flotation. 6. Air sacs for flotation. 7. Smaller roots: water can diffuse directly into leaves. 8. Feathery roots: no need to support the plant. 9. Specialized roots able to take in oxygen. Floating All floating plants
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“The Private Life of Plants: Traveling” was a useful documentary to help clarify my understanding on how plants manage to spread their seeds and germinate. I enjoyed watching the different time lapses for the species of plants and it helped me to see exactly what happens rather than reading it in a book or seeing a simple picture. I was amazed at all the different mechanisms plants used to travel around and not stick to just one area. I did not expect the pointy spines of plants to allow them to grip
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Medicinal Plants And Their Medicinal Values ALOE VERA FLOWER • Aloe Vera is used in traditional medicine as a multipurpose skin treatment. In Ayurvedic medicine it is called kathalai‚ as are extracts from agave.[59]:196 for aloe:117 for agave Early records of Aloe Vera use appears in the Ebers Payrus from the 16th century BC‚[17]:18 and in Dioscorides’ De Materia Medica and Pliny the Elder’s Natural in the mid - first century AD.[17]:20 It is also written of in the Juliana Anicia Codex of 512 AD
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1 TMA04 Word count 1472. Compare and contrast Buchanan and Monderman`s approaches to the production of social order in public spaces?. This essay will look at the ordering of motor vehicles and pedestrians ‚in order to compare and contrast Colin Buchanan’s Traffic in towns 1963 government commissioned report‚ with Hans Monderman’s thesis 1982.It will also look briefly at further accounts of social order that of philosopher Micheal Foucault’s macro dimensions of social life and sociologists
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Sundew plant Sundew are a kind of carnivorous plant. The leaves of sundews are covered with "tentacles". sundew is found throughout all parts of the world. Its greatest concentrations are in Australia and South Africa‚ making them the largest group of carnivorous plants. They have a long-ish head that’s parallel to the ground with small sticky red balls. The insect sticks to the balls and the head curls up to eat it. Besides those there are also some ones in which the heads are the shape of
Botany Lab Introduction to Microscope Circa 1000 AD. = the first vision aid was invented (inventor unknown) called a reading stone. Circa 1284= Italian‚ Salvino D’ Armante is credited inventing the first bearable eye glass. 1590= two dutch eye glass makers‚ Zaccharias Janssen and Hans Janssen experimented with multiple lenses. 1665= English Physicist‚ Robert Hooke looked at a silver of cork through a microscope lens and noticed some “pores” or “cells”. 1674= Anton Van Leeuwenhoek built
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a schoo Chapter 35 The Plant Body 1. Describe and compare the three basic organs of vascular plants. Explain how these basic organs are interdependent. The three basic organs of a vascular plant are the stems‚ leaves‚ and roots. The stems consist of nodes‚ where leaves attach‚ and internodes between the nodes. The stem is responsible for elongation of the plant and acts as a central axis for other organs to attach to. The roots help to anchor the plant as well as absorb water and nutrients
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Evaluate the arguments‚ for and against GM crops Genetically modified organisms are organisms in which DNA has been changed in a way that does not occur naturally. It is often called genetic engineering‚ and it also allows selected individual genes to be transferred from one organism into another. Such methods are used to create/grow GM crops. However the use of GM crops has been very controversial; in the UK an argument has been out forward that growing these GM crops will cause more harm to the environment
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PLANT RESPONSES TROPISM is a biological phenomenon‚ indicating growth or turning movement of a biological organism‚ usually a plant‚ in response to an environmental stimulus. In tropisms‚ this response is dependent on the direction of the species. The word tropism comes from the Greek trope ("to turn" or "to change"). Tropisms are usually named for the stimulus involved and may be either positive (towards the stimulus) or negative (away from the stimulus). Phototropism is the growth response
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Insulin Plant (Costus Ingneus) Ayurvedic Medicinal Herbs [pic] Insulin Plant (Costus Ingneus) Ayurvedic Medicinal HerbsInsulin plant (Costus ingneus) is a relatively new entrant to Kerala and India. The plant is a late entrant to Kerala Ayurvedic medicinal herb scene mostly from USA. Insulin plant has not got a Malayalam name yet‚ except the occasional use of insulin chedy or insulin chedi‚ where chedy means a plant. The catchphrase of this plant is ‘a leaf a day keeps diabetes awayÂ’. The
Free Insulin Diabetes mellitus Diabetes mellitus type 1