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    Lanka or Maldives. Before going for new office they must analyze both countries and they compare each other .In my views the comparative analysis of both countries are as under. Comparative analysis SRI LANKA | MALDIVES | Economic factors Sri lanka has grown tremendously in telecom sector during last few years. Sri lanka is also very popular for its production and exports like rubber‚ tea and other are very much in numbers due that reasons Sri lanka have very strong economy than Maldives. Exports

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    Maldives: water shortage hits 12 islands‚ one family spending 85% of income on bottled water Posted on March 20‚ 2009 by dietvorst | 2 Comments The shortage of potable water on some islands in the Maldives has been described as “serious” by the national disaster management centre (NDMC). There are currently 12 islands which have been facing water shortages since mid-February‚ according to Moosa Ali Kaleyfaan‚ deputy director general of the NDMC. The NDMC has supplied 763 tons of water to eight

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    @?^*y^v\ OUMHT2O3 VE RSITY ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION AND ASSESSMENT - ENGLISH FOR WRITTEN COMMUNICATION JANUARY 2013 I NSTR A CTI ONS TO STA D E NTS I . This assignment contains only ONE (l) question that is set in the language ofthe printed module for the course. 1.5 line spacing. 3. Your assignment should be typed using l2 point Times New Roman font and 4. 5. Your assignment should be between 10ffi to 1300 words excluding references. The number of words should

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    MALE’ 2013 AHMED SHAH‚ 00037390 RESEARCH METHODS BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN HOTEL AND RESORT MANAGEMENT FACULTY OF HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM STUDIES MALDIVES NATIONAL UNIVERSITY INTRODUCTION “Popular Tourist Attractions in Male’‚” has been selected for this research due to various factors of its importance to the tourism industry of the Maldives. Tourism industry has been successfully functioning in the country for over four decades. Daily hundreds of tourists visits the capital City Male’

    Free Tourism Maldives World Tourism Organization

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    Case Study Erosional and depositional landforms Mappleton Hornsea/Withernsea Scarborough Alkborough Maldives Studland Bay Location Spurn point Yorkshire Old Harry Dorset- stack East riding of Yorkshire Holderness coast North Yorkshire North The Maldives are a collection of Islands in the Indian Ocean. The Maldives are about 400 Miles southwest of India. Studland Bay is located in the Isle of Purbeck in Dorset Fact Depositional feature- spit The village of Mappleton‚ perched on

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    ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION AND ASSESSMENT ______________________________________________________________________________ OUMH1203 ENGLISH FOR WRITTEN COMMUNICATION SEPTEMBER 2013 ______________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS 1. This assignment contains TWO (2) questions that is set in the language of the printed module for the course. 2. Your assignment should be typed using 12 point Times New Roman font and 1.5 line spacing

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    Banyan Tree Report 1

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    Table of Contents Executive Summary...................................................................................................................1 1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................2 2. Current Situation ............................................................................................................2 2.1.Past Performance Assessment ...................................................

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    Comparison And Contrast

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    vacation (Maldives Island) - More expensive - Different currency - Guest Villas - Beauty of the nature - The equipment ( Included in the - Temperature package) - Friendly society Introduction What will you think when you hear about a vacation to an island? I am sure that you must have gone to a vacation in Malaysia before. But have you ever dreamt of having a nicer vacation‚ such as in Maldives Island? There are some similarities and differences between a dream vacation to Maldives Island and

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    introduction to how the company operates their Business: Elephant Island Europe Ltd is having a fully internet based operation. Under the Elephant Island arm they operate several web sites catering to different destinations they promote. Sri Lanka / Maldives / Pacific – www.elephant-island.com North India – www.theindiaexperience.co.uk South India / Kerela – www.thekerelaexperience.co‚uk Fare East and Africa - They do their advertising in various international travel magazines‚ on various

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    Boxing Tsunami Case Study

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    across oceans until they hit land. The longer and shallower the approach the more the ripples built up height. The waves that struck the shallow coastline near Banda Aceh and parts of Sri Lanka were nearly 17 metres high on impact. Islands in the Maldives a four meter high sea swell rather than a crashing wall of water. 2. The distribution of missing or dead 1. Write a description for this graph and suggest reasons for the pattern shown (6) The graph above shows the number of deaths caused

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