MARGARET ATWOOD: “SPOTTY-HANDED VILLIANESSES: PROBLEMS OF FEMALE BAD BEHAVIOUR IN THE CREATION OF LITERATURE” BUI CONTEXT Margaret Atwood is once of Canada’s best known literary composers. She is best known for her ability as an author of novels such as Alias Grace‚ Bodily Harm‚ Hairball‚ Rape Fantasies‚ and the highly acclaimed The Handmaid’s Tale‚ which was later made into a movie. These works establish her as a feminist writer‚ raising issues of women in literature‚ the difficulties associated
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integrity and rhetoric treatment. This is relevant to Margaret Atwood’s speech in 1994‚ Spotty Handed Villainesses (hereafter referred to as Villainesses)‚ and Aung San Suu Kyi’s speech in 1995‚ Keynote Address at the Beijing World Conference on Women (hereafter referred to as Keynote). The ability of a speech to resonate with audiences is dependent on their effective constructive of rhetoric to support the orator’s main ideas. In Atwood’s ‘Villainesses’‚ aims to captivate audiences and arguably has the
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“Atwood presents us with heroines who suffer victimization but who are not finally defeated” How far do you agree with this view of Atwood’s presentation of Elaine thus far in the novel? Margaret Atwood’s novel Cat’s Eye explores the life of the female protagonist Elaine‚ and her struggle to move on from her difficult and disturbing past. As a heroine who suffers victimization‚ to say Elaine was not effected harshly by these circumstances would be untrue. The victimisation and bullying Elaine received
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Summary and Analysis PrintPDFCite. “This Is a Photograph of Me‚” by the Canadian writer Margaret Atwood‚ presents a speaker who begins by promising to show us a photograph of herself. Later‚ however‚ we learn that the speaker has died from having drowned in the lake the photograph depicts. The poem begins with a title that is a crucial part of the text. Unlike many poems‚ where the title has little effect on the work’s meaning‚ here the title is essential to a total understanding of the whole
“Free speech is not to be regulated. The audience that hissed yesterday may applaud today‚ even for the same performance.” –Michael Douglas Undoubtedly‚ a speaker moulds his/ her speech by the principles of purpose‚ and the audience who are to receive the given speech. More than this however- the responder’s context also shapes the way in which they interpret a speech. Michael Douglas- famed actor and movie director‚ contrasts an audience’s response in his quote‚ to emphasise that a responder’s
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makes the selected speeches worthy of critical study? Margaret Atwood’s Spotty-Handed Villainesses (1994) and Anwar Sadat’s Statement to the Knesset (1977) are both speeches worthy of critical study because of their fascinating ideas and values. “There was a little girl Who had a little curl Right in the middle of her forehead; When she was good‚ she was very‚ very good‚ And when she was bad‚ she was horrid!” Atwood begins her speech with an anecdote and quotes this famous nursery rhyme
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Margaret Atwood – ‘Spotty-Handed Villainesses’ ________________________________________ 1. Atwood uses a personal anecdote of herself as a child‚ and then her daughter‚ which becomes an intriguing motif throughout her speech 2. Atwood frequently adopts an ironic tone in order to appeal to both Logos and Pathos. She uses logic (Logos) to undermine logic (appealing to Pathos) and this can be shown in the paradoxical line ‘We con-artists do tell the truth’. Overall this paradoxical voice and polyvocal
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unified narrative for social‚ cultural and political change. Throughout the speech “Statement to the Knesset” (1997) by Anwar Sadat‚ his themes and ideas can be seen through his enduring power and artistic qualities‚ and his audiences are emotionally and intellectually engaged and thus more responsive to Sadat’s deliverance of their own views on their beliefs and aspirations. “Spotty-Handed Villainesses” (1994) by Margaret Atwood‚ using subversive irony and humour‚ forces her audiences to deconstruct
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Beijing World conference on women" and Margaret Atwood "Spotty handed Villainesses‚" both address the ongoing issues present within a male dominated society and desires to empower women. In the "Keynote Address at the Beijing World conference on women"‚ the composer empowers women by influencing an audience’s interpretations on the rights and equality for women. The use of simile
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Surviving the Real World (Summary of Attitude by Margaret Atwood) By Rupashri Ashok BA-VIII/H-01/2014 Deciding on what to tell a graduating class of liberal arts is a difficult thing‚ and most of Margaret Atwood’s speech‚ Attitude‚ is delivered with that as a frame. Atwood addresses Victoria College’s Class of 1983 at their convocation ceremony with a humourous tone‚ mentioning a lot that they should know or shall soon find out about the world that they are being ‘launched’ into. Her point‚ though