Introduction: Hong Kong‚ known as”Pearl of the Orient” which enjoys the freedom of speech‚ the freedom of economy and the finest legal system. However‚ discrimination is everywhere. It is because people are not equally. It would always be inequality among people referring to physical and mental processes. Of course the two sexes are not equal‚ so that sex discrimination is always an issue in a society‚ especially in workplace. Background: It is a matter of fact that a employer will base on
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Are Hong Kong people too concerned about how much they weigh? Hong Kong people‚ especially teenagers‚ are focusing too much on their weight‚ or their body shape in other words. It has always been a hot topic among teenagers about how to lose weight even though they are actually thin enough. This essay will evaluate the reasons behind this strange phenomenon‚ and it is mainly because teenagers face pressure from their peers and is imperceptibly influenced by the mass media. Peer pressure has
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Comparison of Marketing Strategy of Wellcome and City’super in Hong Kong No Name Student No# December 23‚ 2008 Royal Brisbane International College 5/F Yue Hwa International Building 1 Kowloon Park Drive‚ Tsim Sha Tsui‚ Hong Kong Contact No.: XXXXXXXX Email: XXXXXXX Table of Content 1. Introduction 3 2. Target Segment 3 3. Marketing Strategy 4 3.1. Product Strategy 4 3.2. Price Strategy 5 3.3. Promotion Strategy 5 3.4. Place Strategy 6 4. Conclusion
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biogases. In Hong Kong‚ the energy consumption is highly relied on non-renewable resources such as coal‚ natural gas‚ oil etc. However‚ if we only depend on those resources continuously‚ it may have a high risk of deficiency. Because of the limitation of the Non-Renewable Resources‚ Renewable Energy Sources have been used in large-scale power generation in some overseas countries‚ it is very important if this would be applicable in Hong Kong. Renewable Resources using in Hong Kong To solve
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The special historic and social-economic background of Hong Kong forms its own identity‚ which is different from other regions like mainland China‚ and makes it a specific imagined community‚ which is accord with Benedict Anderson’s theory of imagined community. Whereas‚ it is under discussion whether since the reunification in 1997‚ Hong Kong has been gradually transformed into a part of China in terms of culture and identity and‚ thus‚ will no longer be a separated imagined community in the future
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Strategic Management Process: Ocean Park Hong Kong Table of Contents Introduction. 2 Ocean Park Hong Kong. 3 External Environments of Ocean Park. 4 PEST Analysis. 4 Political Analysis. 5 Economic Analysis. 5 Social Analysis. 6 Technological Analysis. 6 Industry Analysis. 7 Five Forces Analysis. 7 Threat of New Entry. 8 Threat of Rivalry. 8 Threat of Substitution. 9 Threat of Suppliers. 9 Buyer Power 10 Competitor Analysis. 10 Disneyland. 10 Wetland Park. 11 Internal Environments of Ocean Park. 12
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Precedent and Stare decisis in Hong Kong: The Case of Transgenders Introduction The doctrines of “precedent” and “stare decisis” have been pillars of Western Law that have withstood the test of time. They have been especially important in upholding the “Rule of Law” based on the tenets of predictability‚ expectations and stability‚ which are all important in a society based on norms and codes. Yet these legal concepts of precedent and “stare decisis” have been condemned for stifling the progress
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Title: Analyse the problems caused by the implementation of anti-smoking legislation in Hong Kong. Identify some solutions to these problems. Paragraph 1 In recent years many countries have enacted anti-smoking legislation. For example‚ on 1 January 2007 Hong Kong extended no smoking areas to cover the inside of restaurants‚ as well as offices and some public outdoor areas (Tobacco control‚ 2007). While these laws have been largely welcomed by both health advocates and the general population‚ they
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1 Executive Summary Consumer behaviors vary between different countries and market structure. This report seeks to uncover the underlying factors behind some of the biggest consumer markets‚ Australia‚ Hong Kong and China. Demographic characteristics largely affect by social and value trends such as consumption culture‚ gender roles and demand for certain goods and services. The existing relationship between these factors would be analyzed and discussed further. From an analysis of the distinct
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(HONG KONG) — Pro-Beijing parties in Hong Kong trounced the opposition as voters in the Chinese territory expressed discontent with pro-democratic parties in local elections that may predict the outcome of more important polls next year. Results from Sunday’s poll were released early Monday for individual candidates‚ but the government did not immediately provide a breakdown by political party.(See more on the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong.) The South China Morning Post newspaper says candidates
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