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    BOOK REPORT 1. “A message to Garcia” 2. LCPL Garcia 3. Elbert Hubbard 4. Published in 1977 5. Publisher: Peter pauper press ‚ Inc 6. 32 Pages 7. Price of the book: $7.99 8. (Last page) 9. Initiative‚ Courage and Commitment. 10. I believe that every marine should definitely read this book. This book tells about true commitment and courage is about there is a lot to learn from this book. I agree with all the points that the author gave in his writing and think

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    A Message To Garcia The book‚ A Message To Garcia‚ was written by Elbert Hubbard in 1899. It is a story about a lieutenant in the army‚ during the Spanish-American war‚ that was given a difficult task. When given this task‚ the lieutenant‚ did not question it‚ but too the information that was given to him and completed it. The book then goes on to talk about how in society now‚ if a worker was given a task‚ it would be highly unlikely that the worker would not complete it without questions. In

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    A Message to Garcia

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    BOOK REPORT Name: schmukatelli Grade: E-3 Date: 20121030 Book Title: A Message To Garcia Author: Elbert Hubbard Why I chose this book: I chose to read A Message To Garcia because it was recommended to me by Marines that had read it before. I didn’t really know what to expect‚ especially to find that it was actually an essay just a little over two pages long. After reading it‚ I knew exactly why it was recommended to me. Give a brief description about

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    Grade: E-3 Date: 20130224 Section: MT/UT Book Title: A Message to Garcia Author: Elbert Hubbard Why I Chose This Book: I Chose “A Message to Garcia” because Cpl Reeser recommended it to be a good book about leadership and how not just a Marine but an individual should act. Give A Brief Description About The Book: The Author behind this book wanted people to understand what it really means to be independent and to be a great leader. In this book he gives a perfect example of both these characteristics

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    Message to Garcia

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    A Message to Garcia Elbert Hubbard 1899 In all this Cuban business there is one man stands out on the horizon of my memory like Mars at perihelion. When war broke out between Spain and the United States‚ it was very necessary to communicate quickly with the leader of the Insurgents. Garcia was somewhere in the mountain fastnesses of Cuba - no one knew where. No mail or telegraph could reach him. The President must secure his co-operation‚ and quickly. What to do! Someone said to the President

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    Message to Garcia

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    Book: A Message to Garcia Author: Elbert Hubbard Introduction: A Message to Garcia is an inspirational essay written by Elbert Hubbard. It was originally published as a filler without a title in the March‚ 1899 issue of the Philistine magazine which he edited‚ but was quickly reprinted as a pamphlet and what some see as a handbook. It was very popular‚ selling over 40 million copies‚ and being translated into over 30 languages. Body: The essay‚ or book celebrates the initiative

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    A Message to Garcia

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    Book Report ________________________________________________________ Name: Jubar Ramsey Grade: PFC Date: 20121123 Unit: MWCS-18 Book Title: A Message to Garcia Author: E. Hubbard ________________________________________________________ Why I Chose this Book: I Chose this book for the simple reason that it was listed as one of the required books for me to read and it so happens to be the first book listed. Its also a fairly small book and I knew that I would

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    A Message to Garcia

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    BOOK REPORT Name: Eddie C. Baronia Jr. Grade: Date: 110910 Unit: Book Title: A Message to Garcia Author: Elbert Hubbard Why I chose this book: I chose this book because I was looking through the Commandants reading list‚ and it sounded interesting. Give a brief description about this book: A Message to Garcia is a very short book‚ it is about a man by the name of Rowan‚ and he is given a mission to bring a message to General Garcia. Rowan is responsible‚ accommodating

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    A Message To Garcia

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    A Message to Garcia A Message to Garcia tells about the commitment‚ initiative and courage of a soldier during the Spanish-American war. This lieutenant in the Army was given a task and without questioning it‚ he immediately completed it. He did not complain or ask for assistance. Doing that showed leaders that he was reliable and no matter what the circumstances are mission accomplishment has the upmost importance to him.  Tons of motivation gained with only a slight loss of clarifying judgment

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    Message to Garcia

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    A Message to Garcia is a very short book‚ it is about a man by the name of Rowan‚ and he is given a mission to bring a message to General Garcia. Hubbard teaches a lesson. When a superior asks you to do something; no matter how difficult‚ crazy or impossible it may sound‚ just go get it done. As the book teaches the lesson‚ to do what you are asked to do; that is what made me want to read the book. I was asked to read the passage‚ and write this report on it. So that is what I am doing. Yes‚ it

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