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    1 Kings 3

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    1 Kings 3:16-28; 6 David ruled Israel for forty years. When he died‚ his kingdom passed to his son Solomon. Solomon was a great king who ruled in peace. To show his thanks‚ Solomon decided to build a beautiful temple to the Lord. It was made with the finest cedar wood from Lebanon and with huge blocks of stone. Solomon decorated the Temple with gold and rich carvings. In front of it stood two great bronze pillars. It took Solomon seven years to build the Temple. But when the Israelites spoke of

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    HSK 3 1

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    HSK (三级Sānjí) 词汇Cíhuì (A) Letter 1) 阿姨 āyí  aunt 2) 啊 a ah 3) 矮 ǎi short‚ low 4) 爱 ài love 5) 爱好 āihào hobby‚ to like 6) 安静 ānjing quite 1) 阿姨!阿姨!我想买苹果。 Ayí! Ayí! wǒ xiǎng mǎi pingguǒ. Aunt! Aunt! I want to buy fruit. 2) 我觉得他很饱啊因为他吃三位米饭。 Wǒ juéde tā hěn bāo a yīnwèi tā chī sān wèi mǐfàn. I think he is very full because he eats three bowl of rice. 3) 我的爸爸问我 ‚你比你妹妹矮马? Wǒ de bàba wèn wǒ‚ Nǐ bǐ nǐ mèimei ǎi mǎ? My father ask me Are you shorter than younger sister? 4) 他没有爱人但是有很多人爱他。 Tā méiyǒu àirén

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    Paragraphs 1-3

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    Exposition and the start of rising action: Michelle (Paragraphs 1-3). Rising action: Tanya (Paragraphs 4-9). Climax and resolution: Vanessa (9-14). In a messy‚ green-painted bedroom‚ a boy is at his desk‚ seeming to be working on something. The boy’s clay-enveloped fingers were shifting along a sculpture he made. It was a basketball game. He wanted a new one for his birthday‚ so he lined his nails along the curved lines of his replica to finish his project. As soon as he knew it‚ the sculpture had


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    TDA 3 1

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    TDA 3.3 Support learning activities 1.1 Explain how a learning support practitioner may contribute to the planning‚ delivery and review of learning activities. A Teaching Assistance may contribute to the planning‚ delivery and review of learning activities by supporting the teachers to teach‚ explain‚ encourage working as a team‚ a good role model‚ promoting positivity and giving one to one support to children. Learning is gaining knowledge. Understanding an on-going process and building on existing

    Free Psychology Education Maslow's hierarchy of needs

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    Unit 3 1

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    Stacey Robinson Unit 3: Diversity‚ Equality and Inclusion in early year’s settings 1.3 Describe how prejudice and discrimination may affect a child’s life chances Discrimination is where you place barriers‚ whether they are physical‚ verbal or emotional that prevent certain people from gaining access to advancement or improvement of services the same as other people. Prejudice is often used to refer to preconceived‚ usually unfavorable‚ judgments toward people or a person because of gender‚ political

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    UNIT 1 3

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    UNIT 1: Child and Young Person Development UNIT CODE: H/601/3305 Learning outcome: Understand the potential effects of transitions on children and young people’s development. 3.1 Identify the transitions experienced by most children and young people. A transition is the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another. Everyone will experience many transitions throughout their lives. For children and young people it is extremely important that these transitions to go

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    Unit 3 1

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    UNIT 3 1.1a Diversity literally means difference diversity recognises that though people have things in common with each other‚ they are also different and unique in many ways. Diversity is about recognising and valuing those differences‚ diversity therefore consists of visible and a non- visible factor‚ which includes personal characterisicsuch asbackgound‚ culture‚ personality and work-style in additionto the characteristics that are protected under discrimination legislation in terms of race

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    Genesis 1-3

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    This is the book of beginnings. The origin of all things begins in chapters 1 and 2. The heavens and the Earth‚ the animals and man and all of creation is formed by the hand of God. The first human‚ Adam‚ is put in garden‚ Eden without a mate and given the job of naming all the animals. In naming all the animals he finds that they all have mates but he doesn’t. God then puts him to sleep to remove on of his ribs and form him a mate‚ Eve. She falls for temptation of Satan‚ the serpent‚ to desire to

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    Activity 3-1 Revise existing documents. The following sentences and paragraphs highlight some of the problems you learned about in this chapter. Use what you have learned to rewrite the examples to make them clear and readable. 1. From a one- page notice informing employees which machines they can use in a training facility: Employees should be well advised that they should use only the first row of machines‚ the HP PCs. All other machines are used only for classes for training new users. If

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    TASK 1 3

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    KA YEUNG LAU GROUP 1 Introduction Marks and Spencer(also know as M&S)is the UK’s largest transnational retail group. It is also one of the British representative enterprise‚ it has highest profitability in UK. Marks and Spencer also ranks first in the number of export goods retailers in UK. Their products include: food‚ clothes‚ furniture‚ electrical and appliances. Marks and Spencer opened 600 stores in the British‚ and across the UK each city and area‚ the 40 countries in the world were opened

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