"Nikki Giovanni" Essays and Research Papers

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    How cool is your grandmother? Nikki Giovanni‚ Gary Soto‚ and Lorna Dee Cervantes share poems with their audience about their grandmothers and the lessons they have been taught. Throughout the year as we grow most of our grandparents get to see us change into the person we are today. “Lord these children”‚ Grandparents do not care what generation you grew up in they are mostly traditional and do not take disrespect too well. Here are some poems dealing with: Performance in everyday life‚ Traits that

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    life example of what it looks like when feminism and Poetry intertwine. Nikki Giovani an American writer and activist from Knoxville‚ TN has a quote a about poetry that really relates to the way Beyonce creates her music. “Writers don’t write from experience‚ although many are hesitant to admit that they don’t. If you wrote from experience‚ you’d get maybe one book‚ maybe three poems. Writers write from empathy.” – Nikki Giovanni. Beyoncé’s (Destiny’s Child) song Survivor “show a belief in women’s ability

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    Tha Police"‚ NWA says " Young nigga got it bad cuz im brown / And not the other color so police think / They have the authority to kill a minority" (NWA "Fuck Tha Police" 3-5). Another common subect between Black poets and rappers is "ghetto life". Nikki Giovani’s poem called "For Saundra" is about how she is going to write a poem about trees and blue skies. Then she realized that she was living in a "concrete jungle". <br> <br>i wanted to write / a poem / that rhymes / but revolution doesn’t lend


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    Poetry Synthesis Essay

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    example‚ she wrote‚ “The world is not a pleasant place to be without someone to hold and be held by‚” (Giovanni 1). This quote means that we all need community to support us and share our experiences. Additionally‚ she wrote about how society helps us get through the difficult times and be happy. For instance‚ she wrote‚ “An ocean would never laugh if clouds weren’t there to kiss her tears‚” (Giovanni 3). That means people would always be focused on the dissatisfactory and never on the joyful‚ if someone

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    After reading Nikki Giovanni “Poetry”out loud several times I was able to make my son laugh. I used a energetic voice. With this poem I was able to bring hope and happiness to the audience. In this voice felt as though I was at a seminar or in front group of people. I was definitely a speaker or motivational speaker inspiring many about the love I have for poetry. At the part when I became to talk about the feelings I have after midnight and while I was sleep seemed to have brought them in closer

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    language of poetry

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    When looking at the language used by a poet when creating a poem it is important we do this with a number of things in mind. What kind of image is the poet attempting to create in our thoughts? When was this poem created? How is it structured and punctuated? What context has it been written? and also how does the poet want us to feel when reading the work? No matter how long or short a poem may be the language used when creating it will be vital as to deciding how we respond to the poem. It is not

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    Gift” by Li-Young Lee‚ pg. 469. C.) imagery - “Poised between going on and back‚ pulled both ways taut like a tightrope walker” “The Base Stealer” by Robert Francis‚ pg. 476. D.) diction - “Moving slowly” “The Cyclopes in the Ocean” by Nikki Giovanni‚ pg. 672. E.) personification - “Seeing the snowman standing all alone” “Boy at the Window” by Robert Frost‚ pg. 451. 2.) A.) simile - “which holds them in like stolid cattle” “Internment” by Juliet S. Kono‚ pg. 437. B.) metaphor


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    Character – Character‚ John Leggett Introduction to Character PowerNotes Character chart‚ p. 85 2. “Everyday Use: For Your Grandmama” by Alice Walker pp. 102-109 • “For My Sister Molly Who in the Fifties” handout • “from Hands: For Mother’s Day” by Nikki Giovanni‚ p. 110 • “Lucinda Matlock” by Edgar Lee Masters‚ p. 111 “Everyday Use” 1. Class Starter: Quickwrite‚ p. 102 2. Assign the Reading p. 103 3. Art Transparency “The Sunflowers Quilting Bee at Arles” by Faith Ringgold (See One-Stop Planner for suggested

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    Analysis of Process Writing

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    Process Analysis THE STRATEGIES The process-analysis essay is an elementary but essential writing strategy. Most teachers prefer to teach it as the first expository form because all students have had experience giving and following directions and because composition students can use the skills that they have already studied in narration and description to explain the stages in a process. Like the chronology of events and the pattern of details‚ the stages in a process provide a plan for the process-analysis

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    the women considered the messages "annoying‚" not threatening‚ and neither pressed charges. Neither woman was among the victims in the massacre‚ police said. The first teacher at Virginia Tech to notice Cho’s problems was award-winning poet Nikki Giovanni‚ who kicked him out of her introduction to creative writing class in late 2005. Also professor‚ Lucinda Roy of English at Virginia Tech stated she notified campus police and various other college units after Cho displayed antisocial behaviors

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