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    BILL OF LADING (B/L) A B/L is one of the key documents in international trade and mostly in the shipping industry. It is document issued by the agent of a carrier to a shipper‚ signed by the owner of the vessel to provide proof that the goods have been received. In a nutshell the B/L is a contract between the person shipping the goods‚ the carrier and the receiver of the goods. The B/L is a legal document that must be thorough‚ accurate and complete. For example‚ suppose that a logistics company

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    ‚ describe how law is made and examine the purpose behind criminal law and civil law. Goodey and Silver (2012) define law as a set of rules created by the state which forms a framework to ensure a peaceful society. This essay will aim to describe how laws are made using parliament‚ common law and European law. It will also examine the purpose behind criminal lawlaws created to protect society and to enforce punishment to those that don’t follow them. It will also examine the purpose behind Civil

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    Divorce Bill

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    Divorce has become a major issue in our society‚ and many causes have been attributed to the incline in divorce rates. Divorce rates have spiked during the past few decades and no on really knows why‚ but several theories have been formed in an attempt to explain this recent phenomena. Feminist theory‚ Individualism‚ and dual income theories will be discussed and analyzed to determine if they apply to the recent rise in divorce rates in North America. These theories do not act alone‚ that is‚ a not

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    Bill Clinton was brought to be president in January 1993 when he was 46 years of age. He was additionally the third most youthful president ever. While he was in his first term he enlivened heaps of bits of a local enactment. Likewise around then he ordered the Medical leave act and the Violence against ladies act. He additionally put in measures to diminish the US spending shortfall and furthermore marked the North American Free Trade Agreement‚ which disposed of exchange obstructions between the

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    time Christians because of the way they figured out things. So why did Christianity get so popular anyways? The expansion of Christianity was because to god everyone was made equally‚ Christians handled everything in a nonviolent way‚ and because of how Christianity was spread. Jesus made everyone equally; It didn’t matter whether you were a man‚ or a woman‚ slave‚ rich or poor. In the letters of Paul in document D‚ it says‚ “... in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek‚ neither male nor female

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    AnswerVoter’s Choice Thomas answered 2 years ago Papen was chancellor from July to November 1932. The economic crisis caused his resign. He was followed by Kurt von Schleicher. Because of the civil war like situation the Reich was ruled on martial law since the end of WWI. Papen secretly negotiated with the President Hindenburg to dismiss Schleicher and make him‚ Papen‚ chancellor again‚ with Hitler as vice chancellor (the NSDAP had 30% of votes and was the strongest party). Hindenburg agreed but

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    The Bill of Rights; Why They Are Important and How They Apply Today We all know that as citizens we have certain unalienable rights that are guaranteed by the Bill of Rights‚ but why are they important and how do they apply today? The rights that are guaranteed by the Bill of Rights are: freedom of religion‚ speech‚ assembly‚ press‚ and petition‚ right to keep and bear arms‚ freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures‚ no quartering of soldiers in any house without the consent of the owner

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    My Moral Compass The personal values that help contribute to my worldview and philosophy of nursing that is most important‚ is my religion. I am a Christian and this means that I am to be Christ like in my every day life and work. I am taught to treat others as I would want to be treated and care for them as I would do for myself. I am to help the sick‚ wounded‚ poor and widowed. Nursing in its roots are very much the same thing. Helping the ones who are unable to help themself. The underlying

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    he protected many areas of land. Teddy wanted to be like Darwin when he was as young as ten years old. He understood how and what to do to make that happen. “Eventually once the seal’s body was sold for blubber‚ Roosevelt was given the head as a souvenir. With this in hand‚ the ten-year-old created his ‘Roosevelt Museum of Natural history.’ Its purpose was to help train him to become a natural history professional like Darwin.” (Brinkley

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    experience with politics. In 1982 she became the education vice-president of the Australian Union of Students‚ moving from Adelaide to Melbourne to do so. She became president in 1983 and also worked part time for the Socialist Forum‚ before completing her law degree in 1986. It has long been

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