"Oedipus rex and allegory of the cave" Essays and Research Papers

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    Oedipus Rex Essay

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    Oedipus has a "tragic flaw" that leads to his demise‚ and efforts to attribute one to him to him seem forced . In his quest to uncover the truth and rid Thebes of the plague‚ he exhibits all the heroic qualities that made him the savior of Thebes during the Sphinx’s reign of terror. Oedipus as a victim of a fate he could not control. He had enormous control over the events of his "destiny" through the numerous decisions he makes. He chooses to believe the oracle and leave Corinth. (The play is in

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    Ashley Hinkle AP Literature Summer Assignment Oedipus Rex: 1. Oedipus probably didn’t deserve to have his eyes cut out and be taken from everything he loved. He didn’t know who his real parents were‚ therefore he was ignorant. If anything‚ it’s more likely the parents’ fault. They were so afraid of fate they got rid of their son‚ which ended up causing the events to happen. Oedipus was a jerk‚ but I don’t think he deserves to be punished the way he was. 2. The chorus is used to help tell

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    The Republic Notes Dialogue between Socrates (protagonist) and Glaucon (interlocutor) Stage 1. Bound inside cave * Been there since childhood‚ legs and necks fettered * Fire burning behind and above them * See artifacts carried by people along wall of path * Honours‚ praises‚ prizes for those sharpest at identifying shadows & order of shadows honored and held power; rewards are desired / envied * Truth is nothing other than the shadows of those artifacts Stage 2. Freed of

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    Oedipus Rex‚ a play written by Sophocles‚ and Fight Club‚ a movie directed by David Fincher‚ are two stories that relate to one another by sharing similar ideas and life lessons. One could argue that both contain essential qualities and characteristics of classical tragedy‚ but are they both ultimately tragic in the classical sense of the word? I believe that both Oedipus Rex and Fight Club do‚ in fact‚ exhibit the important qualities of classical tragedy but ultimately‚ I think that only one of

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    unexamined life is not worth living‚" proclaims Socrates. He could have meant many things by this statement‚ and in relation to the play‚ the meaning is found to be even more complex. Indeed‚ the situation of Oedipus‚ king of Thebes‚ the truth of this statement is in question. Would Oedipus have been better off if he was blind to the knowledge of his birthing and the fate which was foretold to someday befall him? Truly though‚ his life would have been a far better and easier path had he never known

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    Oedipus Rex Vs. Antigone

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    Daniel Nierenberg Comparative Essay 11-20-01 "Oedipus Rex" & "Antigone" It is only natural that an author use similar vessels of literature‚ such as figurative language‚ literary devices‚ and elements in his/her work. It is even more apparent between works that are connected by character‚ time‚ and theme. Sophocles did this when he wrote "Oedipus Rex" and "Antigone". When comparing the two pieces‚ it becomes evident that very similar vessels connected these very different plays. Sophocles uses a

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    2/23/06 Oedipus Rex: Dramatic Irony Irony is the use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning. The play Oedipus Rex especially uses dramatic irony. It is the theatrical effect achieved by leading an audience or reader to understand the disparity between a situation and the accompanying speeches‚ while the characters in the play remain unaware of the disparity. From the beginning of the play‚ Oedipus is ignorant of the terrible

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    Oedipus Rex Part I

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    | 1.2.3 Read: Oedipus Rex Part I | Reading Guide | | | | | British and World Literature Sem 1 (S1893793) | Allyce Bosecker | | |   | Date: ____________ | | Reading Selection Oedipus Rex‚ also called Oedipus the King‚ by Sophocles‚ lines 1 through 753 ("Thrill through my soul‚ my queen‚ at this thy tale") Read online at http://www.bartleby.com/8/5/ . Before Reading Helpful Vocabulary Here are a few words from the reading that you may have difficulty with (you will not

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    ROLE OF IRONIES IN OEDIPUS REX Oedipus Rex is one of the best tragedies. According to Aristotle‚ a tragedy must be an imitation of life in the form of a serious story that is complete in itself; in other words‚ the story must be realistic and narrow in focus. A good tragedy will evoke pity and fear in its viewers. Irony: Irony is a figure of speech in which words are used in such a way that their intended meaning is different from the actual meaning of the words. In Oedipus Rex‚ ironies play a vital

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    Marjories N. Vasquez Mrs. Vazquezbello AP English Lang. 5 February 2018 Oedipus Rex Questions 1. A tragic hero‚ according to Aristotle‚ contains “anagnoris” a moment of important discovery as well as “catharsis‚” feelings of pity felt by the audience (“Tragic Hero”). Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex is a true Greek tragedy because it accurately displays these characteristics. The most important discovery of the hero was the realization that he is the son of Laius and Jocasta. “O‚O‚O‚ they will all come‚ all

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