"Operations research" Essays and Research Papers

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    What is Operations Research? Operations Research is an advanced use of analytical technique which is beneficial for decision making. It encompasses a wide range of problem solving techniques in the aim of good decision making. People holding skills in OR (operations research) hold positions in decision making and business analytic and marketing analysis. Operations research is also referred as Management science or Industrial Engineering. With today’s times and changing client demands OR is the

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    offer painting services as well. This will be seen as a paint service bundle wherein Globesco paint brands will be used in the paint services. With this‚ Globesco will be able to pursue a niche market and compete in the architectural sector. Operations Research

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    MB0048_MBA_Sem2_Fall/August 2012 Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 2 MB0048 – Operations Research- 4 Credits Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks) Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions. Q.1 Maximise z = 3x1 + 4x2 Subject to constrains 5x1 + 4x2 200; 3x1 + 5x2 150; 5x1 + 4x2 100; 8x1 + 4x2 80‚ x1 0‚ x2 0 Q.2 State the ways in which customers in a queue are served. Q.3 Explain the use of simulation in networks? What are the advantages of using simulation? Q

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    ORIGINS OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS RESEARCH comparison of the origins of operations management and operations research reveals that both are an innovation of the 20th century. The origin of operations research was in England‚ circa 1937‚ and has its roots in scientific management‚ with its first significant applications to military operations in both World War I and World War II. Operations management had its origins in the early factory system‚ and was more associated with physical

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    MB0048 –Operations Research- 4 Credits Assignment Set - 1 Q1. a. What do you mean by linear programming problem? Explain the steps involved in linear programming problem formulation? b. A paper mill produces two grades of paper viz.‚ X and Y. Because of raw material restrictions‚ it cannot produce more than 400 tons of grade X paper and 300 tons of grade Y paper in a week. There are 160 production hours in a week. It requires 0.20 and 0.40 hours to produce a ton of grade X and Y papers. The mill

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    Assignment on Operations Research Transportation Model INTRODUCTION Many practical problems in operations research can be broadly formulated as linear programming problems‚ for which the simplex this is a general method and cannot be used for specific types of problems like‚ (i)transportation models‚ (ii)transshipment models and (iii) the assignment models. The above models are also basically allocation models

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    Q.1. What is a linear programming problem ? Discuss the steps and role of linear programming is solving management problems. Discuss and describe the role of liner programming in managerial decision-making bringing out limitations‚ if any. Ans : Linear Programming is a mathematical technique useful for allocation of scarce or limited resources to several competing activities on the basis of given criterion of optimality. The usefulness of linear programming as a tool for optimal decision-making

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    ADVANCE PRAISE FOR INTRODUCTION TO OPERATIONS RESEARCH‚ SEVENTH EDITION Reviewers seem to agree that this is clearly the best edition yet. Here is a sampling of comments: “The new edition seems to contain the most current information available.” “The new edition of Hillier/Lieberman is very well done and greatly enhances this classic text.” “The authors have done an admirable job of rewriting and reorganizing to reflect modern management practices and the latest software developments.”

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    Spring 2013 Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 1 MB0048 –Operations Research- 4 Credits (Book ID: B1631) Assignment Set - 1 (60 Marks) Note: Assignment Set -1 must be written within 6-8 pages. Answer all questions. Q1. Explain the scope of Operations Research. What are the features of Operations 10 marks (300 - 350 words each) Research? Q2. Six Operators are to be assigned to five jobs with the cost of assignment in Rs. given 10 marks in the matrix below. Determine the

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    MBA SEMESTER II MB0048 –Operation Research- 4 Credits (Book ID: B1137) Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks) Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions 1. a. Explain how and why Operation Research methods have been valuable in aiding executive decisions. [5 Marks] b. Discuss the usefulness of Operation Research in decision making process and the role of computers in this field. [5 Marks] 2. Explain how the linear programming technique can be helpful in decision-making in the areas

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