the want to break the law or are you influenced by your surroundings? There is an age old debate over conflicting impulses in our human nature to be good or bad‚ or if those impulses are caused by your environment. William Golding’s novel‚ The Lord of the Flies gave convincing evidence that the boys’ savage acts at the end were due to their environment and their situation. In the beginning of the novel‚ the entire group of
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physical and psychological deterioration of the boys in The Lord of the Flies is largely due to how the emotional experience of fear is powerful enough to spark off several other emotions like a trail of dominoes. ‘Fear leads to anger‚ anger leads to hate‚ hate leads to suffering’. This quote is a famous line spoken by Master Yoda in Star Wars whilst giving wise advice to Luke Skywalker. This advice can also be looked at in The Lord of the Flies. It gives a fantastic portrayal of how one feeling or emotion
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inept‚ clumsy‚ and asthmatic‚ he has a rational mind and the best grasp of their situation. It is his knowledge of the conch shell that allows Ralph to summon the rest of the boys together and he who shows the most concern for some sort of established order in meetings and in day-to-day life. He has a particular interest in names‚ immediately asking Ralph for his and wishing that Ralph would reciprocate the question‚ as well as insisting that a list of names be taken when the boys assemble. This emphasis
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The Lord of The Flies : Returning Home. Our story begins with a group of kids‚ left on an island in the middle of the Atlantic‚ with no adults‚ no guidance‚ just them and the island. A couple months go by and they have lost all senses of humanity. Friendships are broken‚ they were truly lost. A navy Commander sees that this island is on fire and goes to see if he can help. What he sees is nothing like what he has seen before. The boys get on a life boat with the commander. They are dirty‚ smelly
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Golding explores the vulnerability of society in a way that can be read on many different levels. A less detailed look at the book‚ Lord of the Flies‚ is a simple fable about boys stranded on an island. Another way to comprehend the book is as a statement about mans inner savage and reverting to a primitive state without societies boundaries. By examining the Lord of the Flies further‚ it is revealed that many themes portray Golding’s views‚ including a religious persecution theme. Golding includes
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Book Project Response Sheet Lord of the Flies January 14‚ 2009 Chapters 1-3 ____________________________________________________________ __________________________ Summary: Throughout the first three chapters of Lord of the Flies‚ the boys gather together‚ and start to get organized. Ralph and Piggy are the first boys to meet up and by finding a conch shell they are able to use it as a symbol to gather the rest of the boys together. After electing Ralph as the leader‚ him‚ Simon‚ and
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The character Roger‚ from the beginning of Lord of the Flies‚ was described as a weird character. He is a secretive boy that likes to hide behind people and observe other’s actions‚ he is also one of the hunters that guards the castle rock fortress. Roger is equally cruel as Jack‚ they think the same and Roger is always on Jack’s side. Even before he became savage‚ Roger was a dictator and extremely rude‚ kicking down sand castles and throwing sand at others. He also has many faults that one would
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to the novel’s philosophical poles—civilization and savagery. Simon‚ Ralph‚ and Piggy represent the idea that power should be used for the good of the group and the protection of the littluns—a stance representing the instinct toward civilization‚ order‚ and morality. Roger and Jack represent the idea that power should enable those who hold it to gratify their own desires and act on their impulses‚ treating the littluns as servants or objects for their own amusement—a stance representing the instinct
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can quickly get to the point of extreme savagery emerging over respectable leadership‚ causing the people who are being ruled to suffer great hardship. This is exemplified in the novel‚ Lord of the Flies‚ by William Golding and in the film‚ Animal Farm‚ directed by John Halas and Joy Batchelor. In Lord of the Flies Jack begins as an innocent young choir boy who later on rises as a leader and turns into a vicious savage when the power goes to his head. Similarly in Animal Farm Napoleon initially promotes
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Society‚ Violence‚ and Loss of Identity in Lord of the Flies By William Golding Ben Smith ENG 2DG Mr. Risk December 6‚ 2012 Violence and Loss of Identity in Lord of the Flies Ben Smith The novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding is about a group of boys who are stranded on an island. At first‚ the boys establish order‚ but as the novel progresses this order deteriorates and the boys become very uncivilized. Golding
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