PhysioEx™ Lab: Cell Transport Mechanisms and Permeability Activity 1: Simple Diffusion Chart 1 Dialysis Results (Average Diffusion rate in mM/min) Solute Membrane (MWCO) 20 50 100 200 NaCl (—) 0.0150 0.0150 0.0150 Urea (—) (—) 0.0094 0.0094 Albumin (—) (—) (—) (—) Glucose (—) (—) (—) 0.0040 1) Which solute(s) were able to diffuse into the right beaker from the left? NaCl‚ Urea‚ Glucose 2) Which solute(s) did not diffuse? Albumin 3) If the solution in the left beaker
Premium Diffusion Osmosis Molecular diffusion
& exocytosisDiffusion‚ facilitated diffusion‚ and osmosis. Types of Particles Transported proteins‚ ions‚ large cells‚ complex sugars. Anything soluble (meaning able to dissolve) in lipids‚ small monosaccharides‚ water‚ oxygen‚ carbon dioxide‚ sex hormones‚ etc. Examples phagocytosis‚ pinocytosis‚ sodium/potassium pump‚ secretion of a substance into the bloodstream (process is opposite of phagocytosis & pinocytosis) diffusion‚ osmosis‚ and facilitated diffusion. Importance In eukaryotic
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more permeable to water. When ADH is increased in the blood flow‚ more water-permeable channels are inserted‚ allowing more water to be reabsorbed by osmosis into the blood stream. When this happens‚ less urine‚ of a much lowered water potential‚ passes out of the body. This suggests that due to the cell walls being more permeable to water and also osmosis reabsorbing the water‚ this in turn lead to Leah’s water intoxication‚ as it was stored in the body opposed to leaving it correctly. Consequently
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Diffusion across Biological Membranes: A simulation Introduction Diffusion is the process by which collisions between molecules cause to spread apart. This movement is described as movement from an area of greater concentration to an area of lower concentration. Hence‚ diffusion continues until the molecules are equally distributed. This is to ensure that molecules have reached a state of equilibrium. Diffusion occurs spontaneously‚ no energy is involved. In cells‚ Diffusion occurs through
Premium Starch Iodine Osmosis
Lecture: Plasma Membrane and Transport I. Structure of the Plasma Membrane A. plasma membrane - the surface encapsulating a cell B. Fluid Mosaic Model 1. bilayer of phospholipids a. hydrophilic heads - P04 end "water" "loving" attracted to water on inner/outer parts of cell b. hydrophobic tails - fatty acids "water" "fearing" attracted to each other on inside of bilayer c
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occurs when solutes are transferred from a high concentration of that solute to a lower concentration of solutes. Solutes do not depend on the concentration of other solutes‚ which allows the cell to take in oxygen while releasing carbon dioxide. Osmosis is a special type of diffusion‚ which occurs when water is diffused across the membrane. This can be affected by how hydrophilic a solute is on either side of the membrane. The diffusion of glucose‚ starch‚ and iodine was observed when the solutes
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Cell Biology- Osmosis‚ Cell Size and Diffusion and Enzymes 1.0 INTRODUCTION Cells are the basic building blocks of all living things. They provide structure for the body‚ take in nutrients from the food‚ convert those nutrients into energy‚ and carry out specialized functions. Cells also contain the body’s genetic material and can make copies of themselves. A cell is also a metabolic compartment where many different chemical reaction occur. There are two types of cells‚ eukaryotic and prokaryotic
Premium PH Enzyme Osmosis
Physioex 9.0 Review Sheet Exercise 1 Cell Transport Mechanisms and Permeability Name: Jeffery Cook Lab Time/Date: 12pm 2/09/2015 Activity 1 Simulating Dialysis (Simple Diffusion) 1. Describe two variables that affect the rate of diffusion. a. Two variables that affect the rate of diffusion are size and whether or not there is an electrical or concentration gradient. 2. Why do you think the urea was not able to diffuse through the 20 MWCO membrane? How well did the results compare with your prediction
Free Diffusion Molecular diffusion Sodium chloride
BIOLOGY DB015 (ASSIGNMENT) PASSIVE AND ACTIVE TRANSPORT GROUP MEMBERS : ABDUL MUIN BIN ABDUL MALIK (MS1311580012) AIMAN HAKIM BIN A.MANAP (MS1311580006) MUHAMMAD AMIN BIN MAT SAUPI (MS MUHAMMAD FARIZUL BIN AMRAN (MS LECTURER : MISS AFIQAH BT MOHAMED Q INTRODUCTION The various organelles and structure within a cell require a variety of subtances in order to carry out their functions. In turn‚ they form products; some useful and some not. Most of these substances must pass in and
Premium Osmosis Cell membrane Diffusion
3. Explain the similarities and differences between diffusion and osmosis. Both are the movement of a substance from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. But osmosis is the movement of water through a cell membrane. 4. Define Turgor pressure ( also known as osmotic pressure). The pressure that would have to be applied to a pure solvent to prevent it from passing into a given solution by osmosis‚ often used to express the concentration of the solution 5. What
Premium Membrane biology Osmosis Cell membrane