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    dspm class

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    the atmosphere of chemicals‚ particulates‚ or biological materials that cause discomfort‚ disease‚ or death to humans‚ damage other living organisms. Air pollution from port is a big issue because:- The economic benefits of marine ports are typically accompanied by signify-cant environmental and public health problems. Hundreds of enormous diesel-powered ships‚ millions of diesel trucks‚ and other polluting equipment and activities at modern seaports cause an array of environmental degradations that‚ when uncontrolled

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    Class Program

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    One-Topaz | Mathematics | 31 | 2:10-2:40 | One-Topaz | Filipino | 31 | 2:40-3:00 | One-Topaz | Recess | | 3:00-3:40 | One-Topaz | AralingPanlipunan | 31 | 3:40-4:20 | One-Topaz | MAPEH | 31 | 4:20-6:00 | OneTopaz | Remedial Teaching | 31 | OTHER ASSIGNMENTS/AUXILLARY SERVICES/NON-TEACHING LOAD: ________________________________________ _____________________________ ________________________________________ _____________________________ Prepared by: Mrs.Gay-nor L.Jarillo Teacher/Adviser

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    English Class

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    specifically taught his son how to use a rifle to shoot prairie dogs. The boy apparently used a .22-caliber rifle in shooting his father and the other man. While many in the town are reacting to the news with shock and concluding a child that young could not have known what he was doing‚ police believe abuse may have triggered the boy to plan to kill his father and the other man. Juvenile offenders can be tried as adults in criminal court by being “transferred” to adult court from the juvenile justice system

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    class discussion

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    producing. It is essential to transition to a sustainable civilization. What are the major points to transition to a sustainable future? Living sustainably depends on accepting a duty to seek harmony with other people and with nature. The guiding rules are that people must share with each other and care for the Earth. Humanity must take no more from nature than nature can replenish. It is essential that we eventually do this for our preservation of human life and our planet. This in turn means adopting

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    in class essay

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    necessarily concern yourself with limit :out of main and secondary character’s you choose only one –the wife or the husband‚ place him against the background and describe him alone and therefore also emphases him while you ‚while you scatter he others in the background like small change “ and in comparison in the Balto story angelle is main character for she is being pressured to lie about what had happened that night her father made her drive the car because he was drunk ‚ for

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    Law class

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    Invention. The ethical implications if the court chooses to keep patent because Myriad’s hard work and unique technique will encourage other medical discoveries like this and it will become a leading case which created a new patentable thing in gene area. On the other side‚ even through Myriad did not invoke its right to block others’ research on this‚ but patent still have some negative effect like researchers cannot share information with their patients and expensive bone test. If

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    Speech class

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    fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes‚ beat him and went away‚ leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road‚ and when he saw the man‚ he passed by on the other side. So too‚ a Levite‚ when he came to the place and saw him‚ passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan‚ as he traveled‚ came where the man was; and when he saw him‚ he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds‚ pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey

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    class president

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    1-theme : the central meaning or dominant idea in a literary work. A theme provides a unifying point around which the plot‚ characters‚ setting‚ point of view‚ symbols‚ and other elements of a work are organized 2-image : a word‚ phrase or figure of speech (simile or metaphor) that addresses the senses suggesting mental pictures of sight‚ s1-theme : the central meaning or dominant idea in a literary work. A theme provides a unifying point around which the plot‚ characters‚ setting‚ point of v1-1-theme

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    Trace Brown EDUC 1300-3D7 9-30-14 My Success in Life Success is the accomplishment of one’s goals or endeavors. All throughout my life‚ success has been the main ambition for everything I do. It is what has given me the determination and power to push through any challenge that stood in my way of achieving what I sought. I‚ just like everyone else‚ have my own unique learning‚ studying‚ and personality traits which help make who I am as a student today. These inherent traits give me the best possible

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    My Class

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    The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost Two roads diverged in a yellow wood‚ And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler‚ long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other‚ as just as fair‚ And having perhaps the better claim‚ Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same‚ And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh‚ I kept the

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