to the calculation of fields and currents in the rotor sheet and propulsion and levitation forces. Such problem can be tackled by vector potential or stream function approach. The present paper adopts the second approach. A second order partial differential equation has been formulated for calculation of stream function or current density in the rotor sheet. As the end effects have not been considered in the direction of width of the rotor sheet‚ the said formulation merges to a second order PDE in
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methods. •However‚ the heating is not uniform and the products show hot and cold spots. • In order to analyze the behaviour of foods heated by microwave oven‚ a mathematical method was developed solving the unsteady state heat transfer differential equations.. • It takes into account variable thermal and electromagnetic properties. •The numerical solution was developed using an implicit finite difference method in one dimensional system (slab). • It allows predicting temperature profiles
Premium Maxwell's equations Heat Microwave oven
For candidates admitted in Anna University of Technology‚ Chennai in 2010 ANNA UNIVERSITY ‚ CHENNAI - 600 025 TIME TABLE - B.E/B.Tech. /B.Arch. DEGREE EXAMINATIONS -May/ June - 2012 Page : 1 of 2 Date : 28-03-12 Semester No. Exam Date Day Branch 01 Session : Thursday Forenoon 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. 19/06/2012 Tuesday 21/06/2012 Thursday 376105 Architectural Drawing I 116101 Chemistry for Marine Engineering 183101 Engineering Chemistry - I Regulation : 2010 23/06/2012
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Computational modeling‚ problem solving strategy & FDM approach in CFD aMunish Gupta‚ bGulshan Sachdeva. cKinshuk Kalia‚ dAnkur Puri. a‚ b: Lecturer‚ Department of Mechanical Engineering. c‚ d: U.G students‚ Department of Mechanical Engineering. Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology‚ Hisar‚ Haryana. ________________________________________________ ABSTRACT With so much development in numerical methods‚ the field of computational mechanics has become
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B. ALL CALCULATIONS AND ANSWERS MUST BE IN THREE (3) DECIMAL PLACES. EXAMINATION DATE : DURATION INSTRUCTION : : THIS EXAMINATION PAPER CONSISTS OF SEVEN (7) PAGES CONFIDENTIAL BWM 30603 /BSM 3913 PART A Q1 (a) Consider the heat conduction equation 2 T ( x‚ t ) 2 T ( x‚ t )‚ t x 0 x 10‚ t 0 ‚ where is thermal diffusity 10‚ since c 2 . Given the boundary conditions‚ T (0‚ t ) 0‚ T (10‚ t ) 100 and initial condition‚ T ( x‚0) x 2 . By using explicit finite-difference
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The Bernoulli brothers were two outstanding mathematicians of the late 17th century and early 18th century. They were born in Basel‚ Switzerland and both graduated from Basel University. The elder brother‚ Jacob was offered a job as a professor at the university and Johann asked him to teach him mathematics. Their rivalry was born soon after and it is hard to tell whether or not it contributed to their success or not. They established an early correspondence with Gottfried Leibniz but weren’t just
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series. 7. The damped vibrations of a stretched string are governed by the equation [pic] equation (1) where [pic] is the transverse deflection‚ t is the time‚ [pic]is the position coordinate along the string‚ and [pic] and τ are positive constants. A taut elastic string‚ [pic]‚ is fixed at its end points so that [pic] Show that separation of variable solutions of equation (1) satisfying these boundary conditions are of the form [pic] where
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The St Venant Equations Dr P A Sleigh Dr I M Goodwill School of Civil Engineering‚ University of Leeds March 2000 1 THE DERIVATION OF THE CONTINUITY EQUATION ...........................................................................................1 2 THE DERIVATION OF THE DYNAMIC OR MOMENTUM EQUATION. ...............................................................2 3 THE SOLUTION OF THE ST VENANT EQUATIONS ...................................................................
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Syllabus for written Recruitment Examination for the post of Post Graduate Assistant in Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary Educational Service. ghl¤Â£l« : jäœ - (Subject Code P01) ÃçÎ 1 - bkhê MuhŒ¢Áæ‹ njh‰w« - bkhê Ïd§fŸ - Âuhél bkhêfŸ - tlbkhê Âuhél bkhêfS¡»ilna cŸs ntWghLfŸ. jäê‹bjh‹ik - ca® jå¢ br«bkhê - fhyªnjhW« jäœ - bjhšfh¥Ãa® fhy¤ jäœ gšyt®‚ gh©oa®‚ nrhH® fhy¤ jäœ. ÃçÎÃçÎ-2 brh‰bwhl® mik¥ò - brh‰bghUŸ kh‰w« - ng¢R¤ jäG«‚ vG¤J¤ jäG« - fl‹ th§fš fiy¢ brhšyh¡f«.. ÃçÎ 3 - vG¤J - brhš Ïy¡fz« - ah¥ò
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Pudupedu‚ Chennai– 600 069. Department of Mathematics Subject Name: Numerical Methods Subject Code: MA1251 Unit I 1) Write the Descartes rule of signs Sol: 1) An equation f ( x) = 0 cannot have more number of positive roots than there are changes of sign in the terms of the polynomial f ( x) . 2)An equation f ( x) = 0 cannot have more number of positive roots than there are changes of sign in the terms of the polynomial f ( x) . 2) What is the order of convergence of Newton Raphson
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