PRACTICAL 6 Seed Plants (Gymnosperms and Angiosperms) OBJECTIVES: 1. To describe the features of seed plant life cycle and the concept of the dominant generation. 2. To describe the life histories and related reproductive structures of gymnosperms and angiosperms. 3. To summarize the features that distinguish gymnosperms and angiosperms. 4. To discuss the advantages of seed plants to dominate land and their evolutionary adaptations on land. EXPERIMENT 1: Gymnosperms INTRODUCTION: Gymnosperms
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Morphology of Human Blood and Marrow CELLS 1. Describe two main differences between neutrophilic band and neutrophilic segmented cells. Peripheral blood of a healthy individual contains 2% to 6% of the band neutrophils. They have a nucleus with a horseshoe or sausage shape they do not have a nucleus separated into lobes connected by a filament. The nuclear chromatin is clumped they stain various shades of pink and contain alkaline phosphatase. In normal peripheral blood of older adults they have
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Xerophytes A xerophyte is a plant which has adaptations which allows it to live in an environment with little available moisture (the opposite being a hydrophyte). There are some adaptations that are typical of xerophytes‚ usually to reduce the rate of transpiration: A thick waxy cuticle: By having this‚ the plant can limit the amount of water lost through evaporation. If there is little available; why lose what you have? Its shiny surface is also reflective with regards to light‚ keeping the
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LINGUISTIC DESCRIPTION OF ENGLISH AFFIXATION INTRODUCTION In a language the importance of know an extensive set of words and the respective use of these and all the rules can demonstrate and be helpful in aspects in daily life. Morphology is the science that studies the morphemes‚ small units in a language with meaning. Words are composed by these morphemes that have different types and classifications‚ free morphemes with their functional and lexical subtypes and bound morphemes
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" Discuss the morphology of erythrocytes and leukocytes and how their morphology impacts their functions. Also discuss the production of blood cells and what can happen in the body when that system malfunctions." The functions of blood are: to regulate body temperature‚ transport oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and cell tissue‚ transport carbon dioxide from cells to the lungs‚ carry cells and antibodies that fight infection‚ deliver waste to the kidneys and liver(which filter blood)‚ and form
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Cuttings These cutting are made from non-woody plants such as house plants and perennials. Appromaxite a three to five inch piece of stem is removed from the parent plant. Leaves on the lower section roughly about one third to one half of the stem are removed. A higher percentage of the cuttings roots germinate and they do so quickly. Softwood Cuttings (Leafed cuttings) These cuttings are prepared from soft‚ woody plants just as they are about to reach full maturity. Shoots are most
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Selection of Carabao mango tree shoots with healthy mature leaves b. Spraying of 2% KNO3 until dripping-wet then tagging (KNO3 treated) c. Selection of Carabao mango tree shoots with healthy mature leaves on a different tree d. Spraying the shoots with plant water. This will be the control without KNO3 treatment. e. Observe after 14 days. Results After 14 days‚ KNO3 treated shoot showed no significance. This may be due to the expected rainfalls during that week of KNO3 treatment. The inducer may possibly
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Monocots Monocot plants are one of the two major botanical classes of flowering plants‚ or angiosperms. The other class includes the dicot flowering plants. These fundamental classes were given formal taxonomic standing by botanists in the mid-17th century‚ replacing previous plant classification systems that were based on growth form. Roughly one-fourth of all flowering plant species are monocots‚ including a number of species important to humans as food plants or ornamentals Distinct Flowers
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Aloe Vera’s Profile Lavanessa Young American Public University Whitney Elmore 06/17/14 Introduction Aloe is often described as a succulent stemless or very short-stemmed plant with a slimy and soothing sap. Binomially‚ this plant is known as Aloe vera‚ but it is a species with a good number of synonyms‚ including Aloe vulgaris‚ Aloe indica‚ Aloe perfoliata ‚ and Aloe barbadensis. It’s important to point out the fact that Carl Linnaeus was the first scientist to describe this species. Aloe vera
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Bean plants have superior ovaries. Where would you expect to find the withered sepals and petals on a freshly picked bean pod? Top 11. How about the style and stigma? Middle 12. How does this compare to the tomato fruit? Same I believe Part 3: Seeds Directions: Answer the questions below using your knowledge and the information from the lesson over fruits. 1 Since there are two seed cotyledons in bean seeds‚ beans are classified as dicots. The image below shows several bean plants. Using
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