"Police bribes" Essays and Research Papers

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    Future of Police

    • 1023 Words
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    Future of Policing With the many challenges that police officers face today the trends of policing may hinder them more than not. Our society has become more computer savoy over the last decade forcing our police departments to step up and keep up with technology in order to stay ahead of the average criminal. It is almost impossible today for the average police department to operate without the means of new and advance technology. The new generation of criminal mind is one that has had access

    Premium Police Crime Constable

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    Police History

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    Police History Matthew Rico GJA/214 April 15‚ 2013 Damien Torres Police History Sir Robert Peel British Prime Minister Sir Robert Peel is responsible for the development of the modern concept of the policing system in the 1800s. The first American police officers deployed on foot with no special training‚ tactics‚ policies or procedures‚ and had minimal education. American policing is a direct reflection of English heritage. Peel and some of the greatest minds of the 1800s developed the

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    police fragmentation

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    POLICE FRAGMENTATION   Police Fragmentation   The Nature of Policing in the United States will constantly change based on certain events that happen. The government will always look for ways to adjust‚ trying to make policing more efficient‚ fair‚ and effective. Unlike policing in other countries‚ the structure of policing in the United States is extremely fragmented. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics‚ there are currently 21‚000 federal

    Premium Police Law enforcement agency

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    Police Constable

    • 4404 Words
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    Their First Century and the New Era By Peter Horne‚ Ph.D.‚ Professor‚ Mercer County Community College‚ Trenton‚ New Jersey | | ver since the founding of police departments in the United States in the mid-19th century‚ policing has been viewed by most people as a traditionally male occupation. Men still are the overwhelming majority of police officers‚ and this will continue to be so in the immediate future. Women in policing now make up approximately 13-14 percent of all employees‚ and the women

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    Police Detective

    • 371 Words
    • 2 Pages

    Police Detective Becoming a Police Detective is not an easy task at hand. For those who would like to start a career in this profession it does not come easy. Being a detective in the law enforcement is a major responsibility that usually relates to crimes that are solved to homicide‚ robbery‚ burglary‚ auto theft‚ organized crimes‚ missing persons‚ juvenile crime‚ fraud‚ aggravated assault/battery‚ sexual assault‚ computer crime‚ domestic violence‚ surveillance‚ and arson‚ among others. Although

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    Police Discretion

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    Running head: POLICE DISCRETION Police Discretion CJA/342 University Of Phoenix Police Discretion Police discretion is an important tool in police work due to the law sometimes being too vague or ambiguous. Police officers are trained on different scenarios that one may come across while they are at the academy. The problem tends to arise when a police officer comes across a situation that they were not trained for‚ and since the academy cannot cover every possible scenario that

    Premium Police Violence Domestic violence

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    Police Professionalism

    • 782 Words
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    Police Professionalism By: Loren Hensley Police officers have a very reputable job‚ meaning they must be professional at all times. The job of a police officer is to protect and to serve the public. Since most of their time is spent in the public eye‚ they are expected to maintain professional behavior. The first step in projecting their professionalism is their dress. They should be dressed neatly‚ and according to the uniform regulations of their department. Appearances say a lot

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    Police in America

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    Police in America Amy Quinn CJA 214 February 2013 Professor Kehoe Police in America According to our text‚ Robert Peel is the “father of modern policing” (Walker & Katz ‚2011). Robert Peel was an English political leader whom saw the need to improve and structure law enforcement. (Walker & Katz‚ 2011) He devoted his time to seeking solutions to his countries ever growing social problems. Peel helped create the first police force‚ “The London Metropolitan Police in 1829” (Walker

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    The Role of Police

    • 2113 Words
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    The Role of Police. People depend on police officers and detectives to protect their lives and property. Law enforcement officers‚ some of whom are State or Federal special agents or inspectors‚ perform these duties in a variety of ways‚ depending on the size and type of their organization. In most jurisdictions‚ they are expected to exercise authority when necessary‚ whether on or off duty. Police officers have general law enforcement duties‚ including maintaining regular patrols and responding

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    Police Misconception

    • 328 Words
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    There are many popular misconceptions about police officers. One popular misconception is that they protect their own. What people don’t understand sometimes is that police officers are properly trained‚ they went to police training and the trainings main goal is to ensure that officers avoid taking unnecessary risks. This means calling and waiting for back-up‚ and always having a partner when using direct confrontation‚ the way the media portrays police officers on television‚ in movies is like their

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