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    Putang Ina

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    the five senses (sight‚ hearing‚ smell‚ touch or taste) * Mass or noncount nouns (e.g. salt‚ pepper) * Cannot be counted * Count nouns (e.g. classroom‚ car) * Can be counted * Collective (e.g. flock‚ colony) * Group * Possessive form * Possession or ownership (e.g. girl’s‚ student’s) * Functions * Subject * What the sentence is about * Subject complement * Renames the subject * Follows a linking verb (e.g. am‚ is‚ are‚ was‚ etc.) * Direct

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    The Passive Voice Analysis

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    available. She doesn’t speak much Spanish. Demonstratives The demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative adjectives modify nouns. The most popular are this‚ that‚ these and those. The difference between demonstrative pronouns and adjectives is that demonstrative adjectives are followed by nouns while demonstrative pronouns are not. Demonstrative pronouns take the place of proper nouns. A: Choose the correct pronoun. 1. __________ car is too expensive. a) This b)

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    Parts of Speech

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    Therefore they belong to the VERBS group. In other words‚ all words in the English language are divided into eight different categories. Each category has a different role/function in the sentence. The English parts of speech are: Nouns‚ pronouns‚ adjectives‚ verbs‚ adverbs‚ prepositions‚ conjunctions and interjections. Same Word – Several Parts of SpeechIn the English language many words are used in more than one way. This means that a word can function as several different parts of speech

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    The Possessive Investment in Whiteness Chapter 1: Opinion Although America’s ideals have radically changed over the decades‚ white privilege still runs rampant. As a general rule‚ in society‚ whites are still regarded as the most powerful and most successful. When the average U.S. citizen thinks of the “typical American man”‚ the image of a white‚ forty-something‚ financially well-off business executive may come to their mind; in other words‚ a man of high rank and superiority. It isn’t that

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    Part of Speech

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    • 21 Pages | Introduction ……………………………………………………………………….Parts of Speech Table ……………………………………………………………..Part of Speech ……………………………………………………………………..Noun ……………………………………………………………………………….Types of Noun …………………………………………………………….Pronouns …………………………………………………………………………..Types of Pronoun ………………………………………………………….Verbs ………………………………………………………………………………Types of Verbs …………………………………………………………….Adjective …………………………………………………………………………..List of Descriptive Adjectives ……………………………………………..Types of Adjective ………………………………………………………

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    ADJECTIVES:“Adjectives are words that describe nouns by telling what kind‚ how many‚ or which one.” It can tell you what it  Looks like  Feels like  Smells like  Tastes like  Sounds like Let’s Try Some! The magnificent butterfly flew under the branch. The butterfly with the colorful wings rested. One butterfly flew quietly beneath the tree. The butterfly fluttered its delicate wings. ATTRIBUTIVE Adjectives in the first position before the noun - are called ATTRIBUTIVE adjectives.

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    phrases consist of pronouns‚ numerals or nouns with articles (indefinite‚ definite or zero) or nouns with other closed-system items that occur before the noun head including pre-determiners (pre-det)‚ determiners (det.) and post-determiners (post-det.). The underlined parts of the following sentences are good examples of basic noun phrases: |  |I |stayed at |home |during |all |the |last few |days |  | |  |pronoun

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    my autobiography

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    The Man with a Hoe by Edwin Markham‚ and L’homme à la houe by Jean-François Millet In 1899 an American schoolteacher‚ Charles Edward Anson Markham (1852-1940)‚ who used the penname Edwin Markham‚ was inspired by an 1863 painting to write a poem. The painting was "L’homme à la houe" by the French artist‚ Jean-François Millet (1814-1875); the poem was "The Man with a Hoe". The poem quickly became as famous as the painting. Both continue to be moving testimonies to what the too prevalent inhumanity

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    Eylül Sözen NOUNS AND PRONOUNS The Reference Grammar Project‚ which is conducted by Saymaz and Sözen probing five different Teacher Reference books‚ does mainly aim to help those‚ who have intention of further research and examination about nouns and pronouns‚ find relative sources for their own teaching sessions. Following the basic examination of the subject “Nouns and Pronouns” (Chapter A)‚ the teacher reference books that have been utilized will

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    de (dar is also irregular in the preterite—it’s the cross-dresser) preterite of stem-changing –ir verbs—sentirse‚ dormirse‚ morirse‚ preferir‚ seguir‚ divertirse‚ vestirse‚ reírse irregular preterite forms of ser and estar verbs with reflexive pronouns and direct objects using past participles as adjectives preterite forms of verbs like caer and leer Chapter 5 Vocabulary getting ready telling someone to hurry reminding someone to do something hobbies and pastimes expressing

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