and Economics: Obesity in Children Obesity represents a critical health care issue in the U.S. today. Scientists and researchers of the field of reproductive medicine are well aware of the danger that excess body fat hence body weight has to patients. Obese patients have greater occurrences of infertility than their leaner counterparts do. The obese individuals have been noticed to be at a higher risk in case of pregnancy and additional prenatal complications. Obesity is defined as an
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Reading Goals Introduction My purpose for composing this proposal to solve a problem analysis is that I want to create awareness to the problem I am writing about because it is a very serious problem. The problem has increased drastically throughout Africa for the past decade. I place a very high value on its intellectual‚ social‚ psychological‚ economic‚ and physical significance towards this certain world problem. If I am increasing my comprehension and recognition of proposal writing; I will
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CHILDHOOD OBESITY: PARENTS EDUCATION by Spencer Norman Exercise Science‚ Spring 2013‚ Indiana State University March 22‚ 2013 submitted to Ms. Caitlin Stuckey‚ Instructor English 305T – Technical Writing written for parents FOREWORD This paper is written to address the need for parents to understand how much they play a role in their children’s weight. The purpose is to bring to light the epidemic of childhood obesity and how this is only getting
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Is There Any Need to Be Worried About Childhood Obesity? Catherine (Boyuan Zheng) ESLI Level 5P Is There Any Need to Be Worried About Childhood Obesity? 1. Introduction Childhood obesity is a major focus of the society and the public health officials. And childhood obesity trends have increased dramatically over the past several years (Staniford‚ Breckon‚ & Copeland‚ 2012‚ p. 545). Overweight is measured by body mass index which is called BMI. According to the survey from the 2003 to 2004
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Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity has become more prevalent in today’s society than ever before. “Between 16 and 33 percent of children and adolescents are obese” (American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry‚ 2010). Who shall we blame this epidemic that is making today’s children obese? Are sheer genetics the cause or shall we blame the parents? In this essay‚ I will discuss the media’s role in obese children. I will also un-wrap the parent’s role in controlling obesity in their children
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Childhood Obesity Tara Wright ENG122 Matthew Fox July 23‚ 2012 Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity is a serious concern for youth today. Within the past 30 years childhood obesity has more than tripled. Four out of ten children are considered to be obese (Ogden CL 2010). Often when one sees overweight children‚ one will hear parents making excuses for why their child is overweight. For example one will hear a parent say “she is just big boned‚ or she will grow out of it‚ it’s just baby fat”
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Childhood Obesity: A Threat to Health Nicholas (Nick) Reeves‚ who weighs around 117 pounds at the young age of 8 years‚ is fighting the bulge (excess fat). According to his mother‚ Angel Reeves‚ “He’s just hungry all the time. He can finish eating a meal‚ and then‚ five minutes later‚ he ’s coming in the kitchen saying‚ “I ’m hungry again. I ’m hungry again ’". Angel Reeves states‚ “Nick is a very active child who loves to play basketball. But his weight has already impaired his health. Nick
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Childhood Obesity Stephanie Cervantes ENG 122 Deborah Zeringue May 15‚ 2011 Childhood Obesity The writer has chosen to research the topic of childhood obesity. An article in the Washington Post tells us a disturbing fact: “With one in three children in this country overweight or worse‚ the future health and productivity of an entire generation -- and a nation -- could be in jeopardy.” (Levine‚ Stein 2008. para. 4) That number is alarming! In my research
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Comp 11 November 13‚ 2012 Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity is a serious health and societal issue. Rising at extreme rates‚ one may call it an epidemic. Childhood obesity increases incidences of mortality later in life‚ causes asthma and type II diabetes‚ which was only found in adults. With these ill effects‚ childhood obesity is an issue that should not be taken lightly. Over the last fifteen years‚ obesity in children has increased fifty percent. While the cause of this
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Childhood Obesity: Environmental Effects Darren Thomas ENG Composition II Instructor: Angie Temple March 5‚ 2012 Childhood Obesity: Environmental Effects The future of the country is in danger. There is an unseen attack on society that threatens to shorten the lifespan of Americans from all walks of life. No one is exempt. No one is immune. This problem is so real that the first lady of the United States has gotten involved. Childhood obesity in America is growing at an alarming rate
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