Anthony Cunningham Microeconomics Mr. G. E. Fitzgerald October 17‚ 2012 Tax Elasticity and Tax Policy No matter what‚ taxes matter. People talk about them‚ complain about them‚ and try to dodge them when they can. Businesses also react to taxes‚ both in how they organize their activities and‚ perhaps‚ in where they carry them out. How people and businesses react in turn affects the level and structure of taxation. The purpose of taxation is to raise revenue to pay for public goods‚ but
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Ashanti there were taxes like “assaseto” it was to raise revenue through direct tax so during the assembly of chiefs summoned at Cape Coast in 19th April 1852‚ the Governor Major Hill passed a Poll Tax Ordinance. The poll tax ordinance imposed tax of one shilling per head on each man‚ woman and child in the colony. The poll tax was to be collected by officers appointed by the Governor with assistance of the chiefs. This tax was intended for the establishment of schools‚ markets etc. It is also for the
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GHANA Introduction & Definition of taxation: To tax (from the Latin taxo; "I estimate") is to impose a financial charge or other levy upon a taxpayer (an individual or legal entity) by a state or the functional equivalent of a state such that failure to pay is punishable by law. A tax may be defined as a "pecuniary burden laid upon individuals or property owners to support the government [...] a payment exacted by legislative authority." A tax "is not a voluntary payment or donation‚ but an enforced
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* * Part A: Tax Avoidance and evasion Introduction According to Hyde (2010) tax evasion cost the UK treasury over £15 billion annually. This is approximately 3% of the total tax liabilities that individuals and organisations are meant to pay to the Her Majesty Revenue and Customs (HMRC). While an estimate of £25 billion is lost through tax avoidance annually (Murphy‚ nd). These are huge sums of money that could go a long way to help the government reduce the national deficit or could
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SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROBLEM OF TAX AVOIDANCE AND EVASION IN NIGERIA: AN OVERVIEW Dominic Asada LL.B. (Hons.) B.L‚ LL.M. Tax Avoidance and Evasion are some of the most perplexing problems facing the nation today. It is widely believed that there is a considerable difference between estimated revenue from taxation every year and what is actually collected. This disturbing aversion to taxation has some historical antecedents. Traditionally‚ there has always been a hostile response to the payment of tax by the people
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Topic Outline Effects of Sin Tax Law to Selected Bar Establishments in Dumaguete City Thesis: Although the sin tax law helps the country’s economy by raising the governments collected revenue which accounts for public use‚ it also results bar owners to eventually lay off workers to the extent of closing their business due to higher tax collection and sudden reduction of consumers. Introduction I. Sin Tax A. Definition B. History II. Effects of sin tax in the Economy A. Decrease consumers
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UNIVERSITY OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION BTEC HND IN BUSINESS (MANAGEMENT) ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET NAME OF STUDENT REGISTRATION NO. UNIT TITLE ASSIGNMENT TITLE ASSIGNMENT NO NAME OF ASSESSOR SUBMISSION DEADLINE Unit12: Taxation Tax Environment and Personal Tax Liability 1 of 2 Maria McKenna 4 June 2013 I‚ __________________________ hereby confirm that this assignment is my own work and not copied or plagiarized from any source. I have referenced the sources from which information is obtained by me
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Tobacco tax: good for health‚ good for government finances Tobacco use kills over 5 million people each year and is the largest single preventable cause of premature death.1 Tobacco is very costly to society through high costs to treat tobacco-induced disease or through loss of productivity as a result of the premature deaths. But governments have a tool to combat the costs of tobacco use — tobacco taxation. Higher tobacco prices decrease consumption and encourage people to quit Increasing
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Asses the claim that proportional electoral systems are superior to majoritarian or plurality systems (50) Most constitutional reforms see electoral systems as how democratic a country is. This is illustrated with ‘elections are the defining institution of modern democracy’. All new countries or democracies seem to choose a form of Proportional Representation (PR)‚ for instance following the collapse of Yugoslavia post 1989‚ the Czech Republic chose AMS and similarly after the fall of Sadam Hussein
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Tax Credits [Name of the Writer] [Name of the Institution] Tax Credits Purpose of Tax Credits A Tax Credit is a specific amount that is subtracted from the accumulated amount of tax paid by a tax payer to the State. The tax credits can be settled in terms of income tax‚ property tax and VAT. It can also be settled for the purpose of recognizing the taxes that are already settled in form of subsidies or are paid for the purpose of encouraging investment in economy
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