"Rationalism" Essays and Research Papers

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    Transcendentalism is an idealistic philosophical and social movement that developed in New England around 1836 in reaction to rationalism. Influenced by romanticism‚ Platonism‚ and Kantian philosophy‚ it taught that divinity pervades all nature and humanity‚ and its members held progressive views on feminism and communal living. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau were central figures. Transcendentalists believe that nature allows us to escape from reality. They believe it can free our

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    Questions : a. Describe the characteristics of philosophical reasoning! b. How is the use of reasoning into the framework of my thesis research plan? Answer : a. Characteristics of Philosophical Reasoning Before directly answering the questions above‚ I ’ll describe a little understanding of philosophical reasoning itself. According JujunSuriasumantri‚ Reasoning is a thinking process in drawing a conclusion in the form of knowledge. So reasoning is the thinking process started from empirical

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    Kant's Philosophy

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    Introduction Kant’s moral philosophy is also known as Kantian ethics. It is a type of a deontological theory‚ which is based on ethics. Immanuel Kant founded this deontological theory. Kant’s theory developed as a culmination to the enlightenment rationalism. The basic central idea of this theory is that the good will is the intrinsic quality of nature. Hence‚ if the action is morally good‚ maxim‚ it acts as the theory behind the duty to the moral law. Kant’s moral law gave birth to the idea of categorical

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    Kabbalist Prior to the Expulsion from Spain in 1492 JUS 435 Introduction Rabbinic Judaism‚ a dynamic and evolving ethical monotheistic religious tradition‚ during the Middle Ages‚ would confront circumstances conducive to renewed encounters with Hellenism‚ but unlike Hellenistic Judaism it would not be a biblical Judaism face to face with a Hellenistic philosophy still embedded in a pagan matrix‚ rather Rabbinic Judaism facing a nonpaganized Greek philosophy.1 Rabbinic discourses about

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    Texts in their Time essay A text is a mirror for the concerns of a time and place. Orwell’s “1984”and the Wachowski brother’s “Matrix” can be viewed as a mirror into the concerns of a time and place. “1984” depicts how a hierarchical world tyranny is set up‚ how it stays in power‚ how it treats people and what life is like living under such a system. The “matrix” is also a representation of how the world as ‘we’ know it can be manipulated into the unknown or changed to suit the ideology of one

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    Is Seeing Believing?

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    different areas of knowledge all have their problems. However‚ true knowledge and the ways of obtaining it is something that has caused controversy among many scholars. On one hand is the idea of Empiricism while on the other hand is the idea of Rationalism. Empiricists are people who believe that whatever we know‚ and hence believe in‚ is gotten through sensory experience. They assert that the mind was as pure as white- defined as tabula rasa by them- and whatever that we know now as knowledge was

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    until there was nothing else to doubt except doubting. The final altering event in the modern period was the split in epistemological perspectives‚ the study of knowledge and justified belief. The philosophical knowledge is divided into two parts‚ rationalism and empiricism. Rationalist believes knowledge is obtained in some form or other that provides additional information about the world‚ which outstrips the information that sense experience can provide. Empiricists develop methods as a means to obtain

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    "I think‚ therefore I am‚" the epitome of Rene Descartes’ logic. Descartes came to the understanding that there was little he actually knew because he felt unclear about some things‚ besides the subject of mathematics‚ in which he felt was clear and distinct. For him to truly have knowledge he would have to toss out all prior knowledge and start anew with a better foundation of self. The main foundation of his education was from the senses or through the senses. (D 60) Descartes proves that the


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    ASHIKA GOBRIE STUDENT NUMBER 50968610 ASSIGNMENT TWO UNIQUE NUMBER 862444 QUESTION ONE AFRICAN PHILOSPOHY TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction and Contents Page 2 Conclusion and Bibliography Page 3 (TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES 3) 1 INTRODUCTION The problem is that we have a learner who has come from a different province to attend our school and has a problem socialising with the other children. She does not have any friends and is always alone. As a teacher‚ I believe it is my duty to try and help her

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    He7 95

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    Chapter 7. COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL SOCIETIES I. Introduction A. Background We are presently in the midst of one of the major technical revolutions in human history. The rise of “modern” societies during the last few centuries is the capital fact of recent history. The last five hundred years have witnessed technical changes of unprecedented scope and rapidity emanating from a small and heretofore unremarkable part of the world‚ Western Europe. In this Chapter we will try to put our finger on just how

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