a. Describe the characteristics of philosophical reasoning!
b. How is the use of reasoning into the framework of my thesis research plan?
Answer :
a. Characteristics of Philosophical Reasoning
Before directly answering the questions above, I 'll describe a little understanding of philosophical reasoning itself. According JujunSuriasumantri, Reasoning is a thinking process in drawing a conclusion in the form of knowledge. So reasoning is the thinking process started from empirical observation that produces a number of concepts and understanding. As an activity of thinking reasoning has certain characteristics. The first feature is a logical thought process, which is defined as logical thinking activities according to certain patterns or in other words according to certain logic. The second characteristic is the nature of the analytical thinking process. Analytic properties are the consequence of the existence of a certain thought pattern. The analysis is essentially an activity of thinking based on certain measures. Also according to JintutNocturna, the characteristics of reasoning that is thorough, fundamental, and speculative.
The nature of its thinking is comprehensive. A philosopher does not know the content of science is only from the perspective of science itself, but they wanted to see the nature of science in the perspective of others. They wanted to connect science with other aspects. They wanted to know the relation of science to morals and regard science with religion. They wanted to believe what science knows that can bring benefit or not. That is the idea that broad because it does not have limit itself and not just in terms of one particular viewpoint. Thought philosophical want to know the relationship between sciences with others science, relationships between moral science, art and life goals.
The nature of its thinking is fundamental. A philosopher does not believe it the truth the knowledge gained. They were always in
References: Jujun S, Suriasumantri, Filsafat Ilmu, Sebuah Pengantar Populer. PustakanSinarHarapan, Jakarta, 2003 Suria, Sumantri Muhadjir, Noeng . 2001 . Filsafat Ilmu . Yogyakarata : Rakesarasain. Gie, The Liang . 2000 . Pengantar Filsafat Ilmu . Yogyakarta . Liberty Yogyakarta. Bagus, Lorens . 2005 . Kamus Filsafat . Jakarta : PT. Gramedia Pustaka utama Nocturna, Jintut Sumedi, Pudjo. (2008). Penalaran.LogikaBerfikirManusia. [available online at http://akhmadsudrajat.wordpress.com/2008/02/09/penalaran/] Wildensyah, Iden (1305086024) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education