Society in Managerial Perspective‚” in Powers of Theory‚ 1985‚ p.161-83. Martin Marger‚ Ch.4‚ “The Elite Model‚” in Elites and Masses (New York: D. Van Nostrand‚ 1981). George Ritzer‚ “The Weberian Theory of Rationalization and the McDonaldization of Contemporary Society‚” p 37-62 in P. Kivisto (ed.)‚ Illuminating social like (Thousand Oaks‚ Pine Forge Press‚ 1998). C. Wright Mills‚ “The Structure of Power in America‚” in James Farganis (ed.)‚ Ch. 11 “Conflict
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and opportunity for achievement. - Only certain jobs should be enriched. Ergonomics the science of adapting work and working conditions to the employee or worker “McDonaldization” •McDonalds is an extreme version of the rationalization process. •Uniformity and Predictability –Anywhere in the world •McDonaldization - a process by which the principles of the fast food restaurant are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society‚ as well as the rest of the world. E.g education
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O’Connor T.J. Petullo Intro to Sociology Red The McDonaldization of Society Axiomatic Propositions Chapter 1 1. The more we McDonaldize‚ the more our lives become scripted. 2. The simpler things become‚ the less we can do to address their problems. 3. The more we mass-produce‚ the “easier” things become. 4. The more McDonaldization‚ the less service. 5. The more things are controlled‚ the less “real” interaction we have. Chapter 2 6. The similar we are to one another‚ the more
post-modernity‚ however‚ they work amongst each other. This paper will be analyzing this statement by defining the concepts of contemporary modernity theory and the postmodern social theory. Further analyzed will be the Globalization Theory and the McDonaldization Theory. Modernity is known to be a sense of social order. It involves a society that is described to be modern with the world changing due to human interventions‚ an open market economy and the denomination of nation-states. The contemporary
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do so is through what sociologist George Ritzer calls Mcdonaldization. Mcdonaldization is the process by which the principles of efficiency‚ calculability‚ predictability‚ and control shape organization and decision making‚ in the United states and around the world. These principles‚ as Ritzer argued‚ “have been emulated by many organizations‚ ranging from medical care to wedding planning to education” (Witt‚111). The success of Mcdonaldization‚ and the very well known restaurant Mcdonald’s is due
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Weber’s essay The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is his most famous work. It is argued that this work should not be viewed as a detailed study of Protestantism‚ but rather as an introduction into Weber’s later works‚ especially his studies of interaction between various religious ideas and economic behavior. In The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism‚ Weber puts forward the thesis that the Puritan ethic and ideas influenced the development of capitalism. Religious devotion
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Arlie Russell Hochschild is a Professor of Sociology at the University of California‚ Berkeley. Hochschild’s interests of research are in the impact of contemporary capitalism on everyday life. In the essay she wrote‚ “From the Frying Pan into the Fire”‚ Hochschild argues the growing emphasis on efficiency is affecting our lives. We have allowed the idea of workplace efficiency to infiltrate within the home life‚ in significant and negative ways. Hochschild’s study of the influence of efficiency
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and Max Weber. Each theorist discovered a distinct link between history and society‚ creating separate theories based on their unique situations in the face of the emerging modern‚ capitalistic world. Their concepts of Alienation‚ Anomie‚ and Rationalization find the division of labor a key component of social change but see differently the way in which labor participated and evolved at the hands of social conflict. According to Marx‚ the division of labor helps to fuel modernity but is ultimately
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model for modern business‚ government agencies‚ trade unions and universities. I have heard this term my whole life‚ but never realized‚ until now‚ the importance and influence of bureaucracy in the world. The last key concept that I chose is rationalization of society‚ which is the historical change from tradition to rationality as the dominant mode of human thought. This concept helped me understand the humongous changes the social world has gone through. Also that the transition went slowly but
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system that can be frustrating and impersonal is also the one on which we rely for our personal welfare and to fulfill our daily needs. The society of today‚ however is not the society of yesterday‚ nor will it be the society of tomorrow. The rationalization of society refers to a transformation in people’s thinking and behavior over the past 150 years‚ shifting the focus from personal relationships to efficiency and results. Karl Marx attributed this transformation to capitalism‚ while Max Weber
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