"Reflection journal social worker" Essays and Research Papers

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    The Social Work Journal Vol. 60 issue 3 includes the article Sexual Assault and Depressive Symptoms in College Students: Do Psychological Needs Account for the Relationship‚ which was published in July 2015. The purpose of this article was to examine the relationship between sexual assault‚ basic psychological needs‚ and depressive symptoms in college students; and determine whether basic psychological needs (namely‚ competence‚ autonomy‚ and relatedness) account for the expected association to be

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    INTRODUCTION This piece of work shall be exploring the impact of our knowledge in college to the statutory expectation from us as social care professionals in our various field of practice. COMPETENCY OF A SOCIAL CARE PRACTITIONER Social care according to Share and Lalor is a unique profession that requires variety of skills in the delivery of care and service. This standard skill varies from the aims of the service to the specific needs of the service users. Competencies in skills such as

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    IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) e-ISSN : 2279-0837‚ p-ISSN : 2279-0845 PP 34-36 www.iosrjournals.org Socio cultural factors in the play of Wole Soyinka’s the Lion and the Jewel and Girish Karnad’s Hayavadana: a Comparative Study K. Saravanan‚ PhD Research Scholar‚ Government Arts College‚ Coimbatore I. Introduction The word ―culture‖ itself is so difficult to pin down; ―cultural studies‖ is hard to define. According to Elaine Showalter ―cultural is a model of feminine

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    reReflective Practice Journal Identity GNED 500 – 120 Brandon Tito – 300637791 Professor Selom Chapman-Nyaho Identity “The aspects of individuals and groups that include: language; ethnicity; gender; experience of migration/immigration; social class; political affiliations; family influences; age; sexual orientation; geographic origin; experience or absence of experience with discrimination” (GNED 500‚ p. 73). Our identity is the key that grants us a representation of who we are


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    teacher it is very important that you that you say in tune with your students. Having the ability to relate to them at each stage of social development‚ as a teacher you should know each stage of social development‚ and the specifics keys to each of those stages. This could play a major role in how you teach‚ will interact with each of your students. Knowing the stage of social development has a major impact on how a teacher teaches. First stage is children from pre-school to second grade. At this stage

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    Role of Social Workers and Substance Abuse Abstract Social workers promote social justice and social change with and on behalf of clients. “Clients” is used inclusively to refer to individuals‚ families‚ groups‚ organizations‚ and communities. Social workers are sensitive to cultural and ethnic diversity and strive to end discrimination‚ oppression‚ poverty‚ and other forms of social injustice. These activities may be in the form of direct practice‚ community organizing‚ supervision‚ consultation

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    National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics Paper The National Association of Social Workers has provided a clear code for social workers to maintain their role as a professional helper. According to the Code of Ethics for social workers‚ there are six main ethical standards: “1) social workers’ ethical responsibilities to clients‚ (2) social workers’ ethical responsibilities to colleagues‚ (3) social workers’ ethical responsibilities in practice settings‚ (4) social workers’ ethical responsibilities

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    Social Security Reflection

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    had to rewrite some words into sentences that were very detailed and explain why I did what I did to him. The point of the SOAR program is to help case managers to connect with social security better so that the clients can get their money faster. Taking this program suppose to cut down at least two months of waiting for social security. I hope that they are right‚ because I have a lot of people who are waiting on me to help assist them with their SSI. I was very excited that I finished the program

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    In Hoefer (2006) notes that “Social workers must be involved in advocacy practice…If social workers do not act as advocates their policy ideas‚ values will not be well represented in policy-making”(p.21). I found this statement to be powerful because as social worker you have to know that in order to understand advocacy you have to be involved to fight for the cause. It is not okay just to just have feelings and emotions about something you feel should happen or should happen. You have to actively

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    The challenges of being a social worker include how “social work involves helping others and getting involved with people in such a close way can sometimes put you in harm. The risk is real and social workers need to be cautious” (“5 Pros”). No matter what career a person chooses‚ there will always be risks. Social work comes with big risks. Most people go to or are assigned to a social worker because they have a problem in their lives that they need help solving

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