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    tracking system

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    The companies nowadays uses computer literate andvery competitive in the business. Our payroll system is basically an application program‚ used to manage the records of the employees working in the company.The payroll process typically includes calculating employee pay‚ recording payroll transactions and determining and paying payroll taxes. A company must have in place a timekeeping system that accurately reflects the hours put in by nonexempt employees as well as the regular salary payments

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    Information Systems

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    Camarata “Information systems are an integrated set of components for collecting‚ storing and processing data and for delivering information‚ knowledge‚ and digital products. Businesses rely on information systems to carry out and manage their operations‚ interact with their customers and suppliers‚ and compete in the marketplace.” (Zwass‚ n.d.) With technology becoming bigger and bigger there is more of a push for the dependency on information systems for businesses to help them manage

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    attendance system

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    International Journal of Control and Automation Vol. 6‚ No. 2‚ April‚ 2013 The Research and Application of College Student Attendance System based on RFID Technology Zhang Yuru‚ Chen Delong and Tan Liping School of Computer and Information Engineering‚ Harbin University of Commerce‚ 150028 Harbin‚ China hsdzyr@163.com Abstract College student attendance management of class plays an important position in the work of management of college student‚ this can help to urge student to class

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    Inventory System

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    using a traditional system which is manual. And when it comes to their sales transaction‚ the log book is the only record that represents the whole transaction. They did not provide any database. They depend only on the names of items written on their log book. Statement of the Problems This study intends to create Customized sales and inventory system; specifically it will seek to answer the following question. 1. What are the common problems in managing of the existing system? 2. How may

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    Ipc System

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    Examples of IPC Systems In this section‚ we explore three different IPC systems. We first cover the POSIX API for shared memory and then discuss message passing in the Mach operating system. We conclude with Windows‚ which interestingly uses shared memory as a mechanism for providing certain types of message passing. 3.5.1 An Example: POSIX Shared Memory Several IPC mechanisms are available for POSIX systems‚ including shared memory and message passing. Here‚ we explore the POSIX API for shared

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    Alliance System

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    importance of Alliance System relative to other factors which brought about the outbreak of WW1. The relative importance of alliance system is smaller than other factors .Other factors that lead to the outbreak of WW1 such as extreme nationalism‚ new imperialism‚ militarism and pre-war crisis are relatively more important than it. To compare with extreme nationalism‚ alliance systems got less influential than it regard its definition in meaning. Alliance system is a system that empowering the

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    The Skeletal System

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    The Skeletal System 2/17/13 Period: 2 Sierra Smith Emily Johnson Imani Rigguns The skeletal system is one of the most important systems in the human anatomy. Without this system our bodies wouldn’t have any source of motion or movement. From the skull all the way to the toes of our feet‚ everything is important. Out of the 206 bones‚ they all form our different shapes and make us all unique. They create our framework and enables us the move and perform our different

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    Cost System

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    Some of Identify your recommended costing system‚ including your rationale‚ to management Recommended costing system My recommendation would be for Super Bakery Inc. to use the ABC ( activity-based costing system). Rationale‚ to management My rationale is as follow: Super Bakery Inc. will benefit from implementing activity-based costing system because‚ “in activity-based costing system‚ activity is any event‚ action‚ transaction‚ or work sequence that incurs cost when producing a product or

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    Respiratory System

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    Respiratory system: The respiratory system is a combination of the Circulatory and Pulmonary systems feeding oxygen and nutrients to cells all around the body. These systems allow oxygen to enter the body‚ and be circulated around the body at a varying rate. These two systems work in conjunction with each other and have various rates of operation that are usually in as close a correlation as possible. Circulatory System: The circulatory system’s primary responsibility is to circulate oxygenated

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    Enrollment System

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    shifting them to being done on the computer. It can result in a system with well-integrated processes that can perform much faster and more accurate than a manual system. Computerized System can reduce human errors and processing time‚ and also it can boost productivity and resulted into high quality of product produce. Enrollment is the process of entering and verifying data of student to register on a particular school. Enrollment System is a good example of a computer generated process. This can

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