Joshua Cummings
IT 205
November 24, 2014
Frank Camarata
“Information systems are an integrated set of components for collecting, storing and processing data and for delivering information, knowledge, and digital products. Businesses rely on information systems to carry out and manage their operations, interact with their customers and suppliers, and compete in the marketplace.” (Zwass, n.d.) With technology becoming bigger and bigger there is more of a push for the dependency on information systems for businesses to help them manage their internal organizational framework. It is of the utmost relevance that a business can and does maintain complete and correct information so they are able to stay in the race for their company to be at the top of the food chain. There are many different types of informational systems that it takes to help a business keep the everyday operations of the company going. The resources that are seen the most in a business foundation are the human resources department, they are responsible for who gets hired within the company and enforcing the rules for the company. If an employee has an issue more than likely they will be referred to the human service department for their answers. Some of the other structures one will see in a business is the accounting and finance department, they are responsible for making sure the debts of the company are paid and getting the checks out to the employees. Of course the back bone of the company would be the marketing and sales department, they are the real money makers for the company. There is also the customer service, customer service touches base with all of the other departments within a business, making it relevant to understand how the business processes work. Once the business processes that you need is understood, we will be able to have a better understanding of the information system that needs to be used to make sure that the business is safely
References: Zwass, V. (n.d.). Encyclopedia Britannica:Information System. Retrieved from Encyclopedia Britannica: