"Should parents be held responsible when their children break the law" Essays and Research Papers

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    without my parents .It costs too much . I cant afford my living without my parents . Some young adults want independence from their parents as soon as possible. Other young adults prefer to live with their families for a long time. Some adults do not want to stay apart from their parents because they think they wont be able to manage their financial expense while other need the guidance of their parents in decision making. Parents always think that their kids remain kid even when they become

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    Who should be responsible for Television Violence? Composition II Who should be responsible for Television Violence? Can we afford to continue ignoring the connection between television violence and the increase in mass murders? The answer is no. We have to take a stance now and fight for stricter regulations by the government and the Federal Communications Committee (FCC). Television has been associated with influencing controversial acts since the beginning of its creation

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    Celebrities Vs. The Law Which celebrity do you look up to? What if that celebrity broke the law‚ don’t you think they should receive stricter penalties? Here’s the controversy: Celebrities need stricter penalties when they break the law. Imagine you’re watching the news and your favorite celebrity got a ticket for speeding‚ just a ticket they can easily pay off. Now you’re thinking to yourself “celebrities deserve stricter penalties than just a ticket.” The problem is celebrities are treated like

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    corporations ought to be held to the samed moral standards as the actions of individuals. Let me deviate and make an observation about the resolution. The resolution refers to corporations being held to the same moral standards of individuals. This means that individuals are already being held to some sort of standard. To clarify today’s round‚ I offer some definitions from the Black Law’s Dictionary. Action – conduct or behavior Corporation - an entity having authority under law to act as a single

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    As a citizen of the Untied Staes of America i believe that peacefully disobeying a law is much better than casung chaos.For example Rosa Parks was disobeyinga law peacefully‚ even though she was supposed to give up her seat because a caucasion person seemed to have more rights back in 1955 . By disobeying this law she was the first step to equality for all races. She helped people in society realize that it doesn’t matter what race you are or even how smart you are . Everyone deserves to be treated

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    helps contain disease outbreaks‚ and is the law. Vaccinations protect from life threatening disease such as diphtheria‚ polio‚ measles‚ chickenpox‚ or pneumococcal. Vaccines are necessary even if we think that the chance of our getting one of these diseases is minimal. A couple of years ago a child in California had just started school‚ he caught diphtheria and he died. Guess What! He was the only child in his class that had not been vaccinated. If children are not vaccinated against polio‚ it would

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    Peaceful resistance to laws negatively impact a free society. This is because it makes the government look at us as though we are taking our freedom for granted. It also shows that we are not grateful for the freedom we have. Even though you are peacefully resisting‚ you can still be go to jail and miss out on your freedom. Henry David Thoreau said "I heartily accept the motto ’That a government is best which governs least’ and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically."

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    Should Being Ethically Responsible Be A Law? If individuals cared more about others than they do themselves the world would be a better place. People who are ethically responsible care more about others than they do themselves if everyone was like that the world would be a better place. To be ethically responsible one must care about another individual more than themselves for no cost at all. In the article “Can Law Make Us Be Decent?” by Jay Sterling Silver states how being ethically responsible


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    Spanking is the method that parents use the most when they hit their children with the intention of disciplining them. Spanking is still widely accepted in American society‚ which renders a controversial issue. There are two groups with opposing views on spanking. People who opposed to spanking believe that spanking is poor parenting that can cause negative effects on their children. Others‚ on the other hand‚ insist that spanking can be a practical and effective punishment. On this issue‚ I strongly

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    2011 If children behave badly‚ should their parents accept responsibility and also be punished? Who is at fault for the behavior of a certain individual? Is the parent to be punished for the crime or "wrong doing" of their child? Parents should have control of their own children and are held liable for anything the child does. They are the legal guardians‚ it is not the child who teaches himself/herself to be that way‚ it is the parent. They choose how to raise their children‚ if the child

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