"Speech on water pollution" Essays and Research Papers

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    Water‚ land and air pollution Water pollution Water pollution is usually caused by human activities. Different human sources add to the pollution of water. There are two sorts of sources‚ they mostly come from pipelines or sewers and then into the surface water. Nonpoint sources are sources that cannot be traced to a single site of discharge. Examples some sources are: factories‚ sewage treatment plants‚ underground mines‚ oil wells‚ oil tankers and agriculture‚ acid deposition from the air

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    on “Water Pollution & Global Warming” Course : Introduction to Public Health Course Code : PBH 101 Prepared for Dr. Maleeha Azeem (MeA) Course Instructor North South University Prepared by Kazi Nazrul Islam Id : 1010275 030 Sec : 01 Date of Submission : 20 November‚ 2011 PBH 101 [ASSIGNMENT ON WATER POLLUTION & GLOBAL WARMING] Table of Contents: Index Contents 1.0 Water Pollution 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Sources of Water Pollution 1.3 Common Contaminants 1.4 Health Hazards Caused by Water Pollution

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    How to deal with water pollution? Water pollution could be a dangerous ecological menace to beaches‚ groundwater‚ animal and human health. Environmental‚ human and animal factors may create an infinite array of variables that change the way in which a particular water pollution can be dealt with. According to the World Wildlife Fund (as cited in Association for Sustainable & Responsible in Asia (ASrIA)‚ 2012 )‚ “…controlling pollution is important to conserving biodiversity…”(n.p.)

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    Industrial Effluents in the Water Pollution Water pollution is caused by emission of domestic or urban sewage‚ agricultural waste‚ pollutants and industrial effluents into water bodies. Nowadays‚ its main source is the waste material discharged by industrial units. Waste materials like acids‚ alkalies‚ toxic metals‚ oil‚ grease‚ dyes‚ pesticides and even radioactive materials are poured into the water bodies by many industrial units. Some other important pollutants include polychlorinated biphenyl

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    Speech on Air Pollution

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    granted. But the air we breathe carries pollutants that can be bad for our health. People with sensitivities‚ like those who have asthma‚ or the elderly‚ and also athletes are especially vulnerable to unhealthy levels of air pollution. There are many kinds of air pollution. The ones I want to talk about are the ozone‚ acid rain‚ carbon monoxide and toxic air contaminants. Ozone is formed when hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxide react in sunlight. Therefore‚ ozone is at its peak during hot summer

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    Earth’s surface‚ water is undeniably the most valuable natural resource. Life on Earth would be non-existent without water because it is essential for everything on our planet to grow. The human body is composed of 50-80% water. Blood and muscles contain significant amounts‚ and approximately 95% of the brain is water. All body systems and organs need water to function properly‚ and will shut down without it. Most of the chemical reactions that take place in our body need water as their medium. We

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    Water Pollution Water pollution involves any contaminated water‚ whether from chemical‚ particulate‚ or bacterial matter that degrades the water’s quality and purity. Water pollution can occur in oceans‚ rivers‚ lakes‚ and underground reservoirs‚ and as different water sources flow together the pollution can spread. Causes of water pollution include: * Increased sediment from soil erosion * Improper waste disposal and littering * Leaching of soil pollution into water supplies *

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    Water pollution in China is a serious problem. It threatens the health and well being of humans‚ plants‚ and animals and it is one of most common types of pollution. This paper will outline the negative affects of water pollution in Lake Tai that is caused by industries in China and the effects that it has on surrounding communities. The Chinese government is aware of the pollution problem in its country; however China has pursued economic growth any cost‚ growth is too fast for the government to

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    Water and Air Pollution Analysis When doing the research for this project I was actually very surprised just at how much air pollution that there actually is in Bourbon County. I have always heard things like "we live in a bad community" or similar remarks because there are two big factories that put out harmful pollutants in the air. Those factories are CMC/CLA and Mallinckrodt. After reading the report that was put out by scorecard.com I realize that my community may be in more danger.

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    Another reason Lake Erie’s water is polluted is due to toxins. First‚ there is a lot of bacteria entering Lake Erie. A few years ago much of Lake Erie was very contaminated with dangerous toxins from algae: “In 2011‚ bright green slime spread across one-third of Lake Erie. The slime was a harmful algal bloom‚ caused by cyanobacteria” (Kowalski 34). As a result of Lake Erie being polluted people must find the issue and resolve it. One theory of the pollution in Lake Erie is that the species are not

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