"Speech on why wars should be banned" Essays and Research Papers

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    Should Smoking Be Banned?

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    people continue on smoking‚ as if they did not know that they are harming their surroundings too‚ therefore cigarette smoking should be banned. I think only by doing so we can achieve a more positive result. Some of those who support smoking claim that it’s hard for smokers to break their habit. 12 out of 15 smokers failed to break the habit‚ therefore‚ if it’s banned then it could trigger the opening of the black markets of cigars‚ just like drugs‚ and it would be much more difficult for

    Free Smoking Nicotine Cigarette

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    contribute to personal evaluation of oneself and to the character-building. Should be banned 1) Only way to seek excitement Extreme sports often are an escape from reality‚ from stress and from monotony. You don’t have to think about your problems. You just think about yourself‚ you can relax‚ and prove that you can do things which are admired by other people. CounterOther was of seeking excitement Should be banned 1) Irresponsible behaviour -In the majority of cases they don’t care about

    Premium Psychology Sociology Cognition

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    Pitbulls Should Be Banned

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    The issue whether pitbulls should be banned has been prominent in the media in recent weeks since poor Ayen Chol was brutally attacked. In the letter to the editorial ‘these dogs are guns without a safety catch’ published in the Herald sun‚ on the 19/08/11‚ by Leanne Pelen contends that pitbulls are vicious‚ savage‚ dangerous animals that need to be banned by the government. In an outraged tone‚ the article targets those who own pitbulls as well the government officials who make the laws about dogs

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    Mar 9‚ 2012 S.S. Persuasive essay I think there should not be a law that bans violent video game production. I think this because if we ban violent video games then most companies that manufacture the violent video games could go bankrupt. Also I don’t think that it’s the video games are making the younger generation commit all the crimes that they are committing. My first reason why I think we should not ban violent video games is because to many video game manufacturers

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    Guns Should Not Be Banned

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    Guns Should Not Be Banned in the US Just a few weeks ago a man with the name Adam Lanza decided to take the guns of his mother and take the life of 20 children and 8 adults‚ including his mother ’s and his own. This atrocity hasn ’t been the first one. In the weeks since the massacre‚ gun control supporters have called for a new federal ban on assault weapons and for reductions in the number of concealed-carry permits issued to private citizens. However‚ to blame assault weapons for this tragedy

    Premium Gun politics in the United States Crime Firearm

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    plant called cannabis‚ and it’s the illegal in most areas around the world. It’s usually smoked as a cigarette or in a pipe. Many people believe that marijuana should be banned because it has bad effects on brain and body. However‚ others think that everybody deserves the freedom to use marijuana. Whether or not marijuana should be banned is one of the most controversial topics. First of all‚ many people argue that marijuana can be use as a type of medicine to treat cancer or AIDS. However‚ marijuana

    Premium Recreational drug use Religion Drug addiction

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    ​The first reason that dangerous sports should not be banned is that new technology is coming out to make the sport less dangerous. According to Newamerica.org “Technology ranging from high tech helmets‚ mobile virtual players‚ training robots‚ and biometric data services are being deployed.” Scientists are constantly working on technology to keep the players safe which means there will be less injuries for the teens. Leagues have improved in making sure teens are fit with proper fitting equipment

    Premium American football Concussion Sport

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    beauty pageants should be banned for children less than 16 years old because this competition is more “affection than perfection” for them‚ they are still “babies but not barbies”‚ and they need to be protected and not to be exploited. Children beauty pageant is a beauty contest focusing on contestants who

    Premium Beauty contest Childhood Beauty

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    eighteen years old. The majority of the children competing in this line of ‘sport’ may experience long-term and short-term effects‚ which may be detrimental to their juvenile mental and emotional wellbeing. Therefore children’s beauty pageants should indubitably be banned. The first “Little Miss America” was staged in the 1960’s and has over the years‚ grown into the modern industry with over 250000 pageants that generate 20 billion annually. Child beauty pageants are defined as contests‚ whereby the judgment

    Premium Childhood Beauty Beauty contest

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    Why Whaling should be banned‚ by Annabel Lees Imagine yourself as a Minke Whale being chased by a whaling vessel in the Antarctic Ocean. After half an hour‚ BAM! A harpoon hits you. Instantly you feel an agonizing pain in your side. You still fight for another hour until you feel weak‚ as if you cant move one more muscle in your body‚ you start to slow down and give up. Then the whalers shoot you with a shotgun‚ until you die. Every year this happens to over 2‚500 innocent

    Premium Humpback whale Cetacea International Whaling Commission

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