"Speech outline on abortion for" Essays and Research Papers

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    vnabors@ccc.edu ASSIGNMENT: Persuasive Speech: 5 to 8 minutes DUE DATE: See Syllabus GRADE POINTS: 140 converts to 15% of your overall grade EVALUATION: Grading Rubric distributed and posted on Blackboard ► Typed Full Sentence Outline Draft is due one class prior to your assigned presentation date. Partial handwritten outlines will not be accepted at all. ► Students MAY NOT present a speech without an approved outline. *If you are absent on the day your outline is due‚ you must submit it to my office

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    Abortion is one of the most controversial topics of all times. The definition most people associate with abortion is the termination of unwanted pregnancy. In their essay‚ “The Wrong of Abortion”‚ Patrick Lee and Robert P. George argue that intentional abortion is unjust and therefore objectively immoral no matter the circumstances. Also‚ they argue that “the burden of carrying the baby is significantly less than the harm the baby would suffer by being killed; the mother and father have a special

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    Ayrnan Hernandez  Speech Outline  COM 110‚ Section 25  Chad Woolard  Speech Outline  Introduction: Do you find yourself not having as much energy during the week as you  use to during high school? Are you easily more irritated than normal? Are you feeling  down more often than before? All these functions are based off of chemicals and I am  here to talk to you about chemical warfare.  Preview Statement: What is Chemical warfare‚ how chemical warfare works‚ and the  advantages and disadvantages of chemical warfare

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    Introduction: I. Attention getter: Every year‚ on average‚ 10 people are killed by sharks‚ yet every second 3 sharks are killed by humans. II. Thesis: Sharks are a vital part of our ecosystem‚ and killing them disrupts the delicate balance of the ocean. III. Credibility statement: For most of my life I have been a shark enthusiast so shark finning is an issue I stay very informed on through various academic sources. IV. Purpose statement: I am going to explain to you today why we need to

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    Lauren Greener COMM 101 Class time: 2:30-4:45___ Topic: Leukemia Specific Purpose: To inform the class about what leukemia is‚ what the symptoms are‚ and what the possible treatments are. Introduction: I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphomic Leukemia at the age of two Acute and Lymphomic don’t mean anything‚ Leukemia means something. Leukemia: Just a word‚ to others not a word but a reality. Before diagnosed parents were scared and didn’t know what was wrong. Doctor and treatment.

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    We Are Living with Giants Introduction: If you ever saw Jurassic Park you know how big dinosaurs could be. As a kid I used to love dinosaurs. For a while I wished that the movie was real. I just wanted to see how majestic it would be to see the biggest creatures that ever lived. But then I found out that Dinosaurs are not the biggest creatures to roam this earth. I found out that the biggest creatures to live on this planet are still alive and that I actually did see one. I found out that the Blue

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    Hook(Quote)“This great nation will endure as it has endured‚ will revive and will proper” -Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s First Inaugural Address.(Rebuttal) Many people politically disagreed with FDR and his administration‚ although they had major impact during the great depression era.(Thesis) FDR and his administration made the people of the U.S a top priority by establishing and creating new laws and deals. (Topic Sentence) FDR was able to accomplish many things in order get the nation out of the

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    The question we want to answer today is should sex education be offered in school? In my opinion‚ yes it should. If we offer it‚ less pregnancys would happen. Less sexually transmitted diseases would be passed in. Less emotional/physical pain would occur. This type of education can leave a footprint on your brain. According to seventeen magazine 750‚000 girls get pregnant each year. This number could be cut in half and divided by three if we enforce that it’s not right until marriage. In the 7th

    Free Human sexual behavior Human sexuality Sexually transmitted disease

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    “A LITTLE MORE ABOUT ME” Specific Purpose: To inform my class about one of my biggest pet peeves‚ the person who I will like to have dinner with and my strange quirk. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: Good morning everyone! Have you ever thought about what the United States of America would be like without any immigrants? Sure‚ we will all have different answers to this question and we are entitle to our own opinion. B. Thesis: Today I will tell you one of my biggest pet peeves‚

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    Attention Getter: When I tell People I’m vegan and hear- Don’t you Miss Bacon‚ chicken and hamburgers? Well being vegan is healthy and good for the environment‚ but do you know all of the following interesting facts about the trending lifestyle? Thesis Specific Purpose Statement: Today I am going to give you information on 3 main points to give you knowledge on vegan lifestyle. Over-view: When did the vegan trend

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