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    1. Defining Communication Theories Cognitive Dissonance Theory Cognitive Dissonance Theory argues that the experience of dissonance (or incompatible beliefs and actions) is aversive and people are highly motivated to avoid it. In their efforts to avoid feelings of dissonance‚ people will avoid hearing views that oppose their own‚ change their beliefs to match their actions‚ and seek reassurance after making a difficult decision. Communication Accommodation Theory This theoretical perspective examines

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    sides to be seen. There’s the pro-life side‚ which is the side that is against abortion. The next is the pro-choice side‚ which is the side that supports abortion. The two rival sides of this topic have a strong fire burning between them‚ making this one of the biggest political and moral debates of my lifetime. Whichever side you stand on‚ there are good arguments on either side. I personally am pro-choice. But look at the facts and see which side fits best. Pro-life is a term that describes the

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    Pro Illegal Immigration

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    Whether it’s due to personal reasons‚ economic reasons‚ or unemployment‚ sometimes people need the opportunity to leave their nation and move somewhere new. Either to build onto what they already have or start over completely‚ moving to another country provides a very appealing alternative to the state of their current lifestyle. Often times this ends up in illegal immigration‚ which has more positive effects than people are led to believe. At one point in time America relied on outsiders so much

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    College graduates are increasingly being asked to give presentations as part of their job interviews • Internet & other technologies has not reduced the need for pubic speaking The tradition of public speaking • Oldest handbook on effective speech was written on papyrus in Egypt 4‚500yrs ago. • Eloquence was highly prized in ancient India‚ Africa & china as well as Aztecs and other pre-European cultures of north & south America • Greece and Rome essential role in education & life • Aristotle’s

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    considered absences. Participation: MANDATORY. Completion of all On Line work and participation in all classroom activities are necessary to pass the class Make-up speeches cannot be allowed: Time scheduling is too constricted to allow it. Speech outlines will NOT be accepted late. All major speeches must be completed on the scheduled day‚ to pass this class. Assignments: All other assignments must be on time to get full credit. Plagiarism: Policies on cheating and plagiarism will

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    Abortion: Pro life or Pro Choice? There are very few topics that can cause as big a rift in people as abortion can. There are only two choices‚ Pro life or Pro choice. Pro life is the decision to reject any form of abortion. Pro choice is the belief that the decision to whether an abortion should take place belongs to the mother of the unborn embryo. Both sides of abortion have very strong activists constantly fighting back and forth to determine what decision is the right one. Ron Randall of Articlebase

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    Parenting Styles and the Effects on Child Development Christina Drakeford Prairie State College Parenting Styles and their Effects on Children‚ This essay is about the three different styles of parenting‚ including definitions‚ descriptions‚ and effects. The present study examined the significance of methods of discipline used by parents and how these methods of discipline consequently affect multiple

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    come back in a few days to give our vivas and 8th sem exams. But then I guess we have to make do with what we have‚ and I’m happy that I got a chance to speak to all my friends from college on this occasion I think that a farewell speech is probably the ONLY speech where students actually listen to the speaker (well I am hoping at least that is the case right now!) Now that I have your undivided attention‚ let me share a few experiences I had during the past 4 years of my life in K.J Somaiya

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    Pro Life Vs Pro Choice

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    majority that an abortion during the first two trimesters of a woman’s pregnancy was legal‚ due to the right of privacy given by the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution. Since then‚ american citizens have been forced to classify themselves as “pro-choice” or “pro-life”. The controversial nature of this behavior causes many arguments and disagreements between people‚ and especially between politicians. In the 21st century‚ the growing diversity of America has brought more attention to the debate on whether

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    abolish it lies in the power of the people. There are two major groups: pro-choice‚ and pro-life. Those who are pro-choice believe that individuals have the right to get an abortion for the first 2 trimesters. Those who are pro-life believe that the government has the right to intervene in personal matters and prohibit abortion. There are many arguments from pro-choice and the pro-life that seem arguably‚ but those who are pro-life have more validity and evidence to back up belief rather than just

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