Introduction to Public Speaking, SPCH 101- Hybrid
Instructor: Prof. Paulson
Text & Cell (831) 588-6067 Email:
Textbook: Public Speaking: Finding Your Voice (10th Ed.), Osborn, … ISBN: 978-0-205-93109-5.
Required: Communication Lab Activities Manual ISBN: 978-1-269-41555-2 It is only in the Ohlone Bookstore. No copies will be accepted.
Course Description: You will learn how to prepare and present speeches, organize your ideas, use critical thinking, improve listening skills, and your overall confidence will increase when speaking in a public arena.
Course Goals: This class will provide you with basic theories, skills and guidelines for effective public speaking in the classroom, in your personal life and as a member of democratic society. You will be giving and listening to speeches about current issues from many different perspectives.
Course Policies: We are diverse. Be open minded and respectful of other students' ideas, especially if you disagree with them! Be a mindful listener.
Attendance: BE THERE. No absences, including excused absences, can be allowed, on IN Class Days, unless you or an immediate relative are in the hospital. Late arrivals and early exits will be considered absences. Participation: MANDATORY. Completion of all On Line work and participation in all classroom activities are necessary to pass the class
Make-up speeches cannot be allowed: Time scheduling is too constricted to allow it.
Speech outlines will NOT be accepted late. All major speeches must be completed on the scheduled day, to pass this class.
Assignments: All other assignments must be on time to get full credit.
Plagiarism: Policies on cheating and plagiarism will be strictly enforced.
Disabilities: Any student with a disability requiring an accommodation please let me know right away what you will need. You can learn more about the broad range of confidential