"Stanza" Essays and Research Papers

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    The poem‚ Carpet Weavers‚Morocco by Carol Rumens is written in four stanzas each comprising three lines. There is no noticeable rhyme scheme. Vocabulary and sentence structure are relatively straightforward with every line except the final two end stopped. Themes of Social injustice/poverty‚ Childhood and Work run through this poem. There is an emphasis on colour in the first stanza. The bright colours of their dresses are contrasted with the black of their braids. Braids is interesting as it highlights

    Free Stanza Poetry Madrid Metro

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    goes away The Poem Is Structured Into five stanzas with the first describing the speed of an attack on the town. The second describes the violence and damage left behind from the attack from the planes. In the third stanza it goes on to describe what should happen‚ the violence continues "It would not stop". The fourth shows the difference between the people‚ there are "the wild boys of the streets" who seem to enjoy what is happening. In the final Stanza It tells us that war brings out the most wild

    Premium Poetry Stanza Tercet

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    The Darkling Thrush

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    climax and ending with further description. In the first two stanzas‚ he introduces the evening‚ the scenery surrounding him‚ and then in the third stanza‚ the thrush causes a sort of climax in which he summarizes the basic mood. Finally‚ in the fourth stanza he ends with the effect of the song of the thrush on the general mood related to the evening and a sort of desolation (sometimes associated with winter) within. The first stanza is basically there to set up your position‚ so that you can just

    Premium Thomas Hardy Stanza Poetry

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    en Fleur”. “L’ Âme en Fleur” is the second book of Victor Hugo’s “Les Contemplations”. Sous Les Abres is the title of the 17th poem while the poems which come directly before it and after aren’t titled. The poem is 24 lines long‚ consisting of 6 stanzas written in 4 line quatrains. It is written in alexandrines arranged in “rime croisées” throughout the 6 quatrains‚ with an ABAB style of rhyme. Hugo’s use of the Caesura defies the common practice of breaking the Alexandrine line into two units of

    Premium Poetry Meter Stanza

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    Elizabeth Bishop"’"s ’"’The Moose’"’ is a narrative poem of 168 lines. Its twenty-eight six-line stanzas are not rigidly structured. Lines vary in length from four to eight syllables‚ but those of five or six syllables predominate. The pattern of stresses is lax enough almost to blur the distinction between verse and prose; the rhythm is that of a low-keyed speaking voice hovering over the descriptive details. The eyewitness account is meticulous and restrained. The poem concerns a bus traveling

    Premium Poetry Stanza Bus

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    The City Planners

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    ‘pedantic houses’‚ sanitary trees’ and things that she considers to be overly controlled or constructed. She does not approve. In stanza 2‚ she lists ‘certain things’ that give momentary access to the landscape…’ The images she provides have the effect of disturbing the order: ‘a splash of paint’ ‘the dent in our car door’ ‘the future cracks in the plaster…’ Stanza 3 anticipates the effects of destructive power of nature ‘houses slide obliquely into clay seas’ and suggests that man is arrogant:

    Premium Poetry Stanza Rhyme scheme

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    ‘The Good Morrow’ by John Donne-a Flawless Metaphysical Poem ‘The Good Morrow’ is a typical Donnian love poem‚ divided into three stanzas. It’s one of those love poems in which he praises the spiritual relationship between men and women and hails it so ardently. In the opening stanza‚ the poet expresses his wonder as to what he and his beloved did before they fell in love with each other. He becomes surprised remembering their past love experiences. He compares the love experiences of himself

    Free Poetry Love Sonnet

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    Easter Wings

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    The poem "Easter Wings" by George Herbert is a poem full of deep imagery not only in its words but also in the visual structure of the stanzas. In Herbert’s poem why does he use a shape poem? Because he wanted this poem to have many different levels and meanings. Herbert also used huge amounts of mental imagery so that the reader can find new truths and meanings each time he or she reads it. The poem tells of the poets desire to fly with Christ as a result of Jesus’ sacrifice‚ death and resurrection

    Premium Poetry Jesus Stanza

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    The magi are faced with difficulties‚ hardships and discomforts such as the hostility from the natural world and humans and sleep deprivation. In the first stanza the line “The ways deep and the weather sharp” an inverted syntax is used to put emphasis on the sufferings and difficulties of the journey. Along with this line in the first stanza a list of complaints are written‚ “ Then the camel men cursing and grumbling/ and running away‚ and wanting their liquor and women‚/ and the night-fires going

    Premium Poetry Sleep deprivation Jesus

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    dover beach

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    used in order to draw a comparison between the fights of nature and the human misery. The poem consists of four stanzas which have a different amount of lines. The first stanza consists of 14 lines‚ the second of six‚ the third of eight and the last line of nine lines. The rhyme scheme is very irregular. For example‚ in the first eight lines of the poem it is abacdbdc. The first stanza can be divided into two parts. In the first part (line one to line six) the lyrical I describes the motions of

    Premium Poetry Stanza Meter

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