eaceETH306W/101/3/2013 Tutorial letter 101/3/2013 Inclusive Education B ETH306W Semesters 1 & 2 Department Inclusive Education IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This tutorial letter contains important information about your module. CONTENTS Page 1 2 2.1 2.2 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 5 6 7 8 8.1 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.3 8.4 9 10 11 12 13 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 3 PURPOSE OF AND OUTCOMES
Premium Learning Education Study skills
REVENUE GENERATION IN LOCAL GOVERNMENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION Local governments operate at the grassroots and are expected to provide services to their stakeholders. In a federal system like Nigeria‚ local governments are close to the people and hence could effectively alter socioeconomic and political conditions within their jurisdictions. Apart from providing and maintaining basic infrastructures‚ local governments can complement the economic activities of other levels of government. This of course depends
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The Roles and Responsibilities in Professional Theatre In order for me to recognise the roles and responsibilities that I and the rest of the group members will be performing throughout unit 2‚ I will need to research information that will educate me on the rolls which are relevant for our event. The information that I discovered about the different rolls are presented into the following table: Role/Production Area Responsibilities Stage Manager The role of a theatre manager
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Education is an important aspect of how the world survives. Without it‚ the next generation would never excel; therefore‚ defeating the purpose of a species to thrive and gain knowledge through reproduction. The way that education works is based upon what goals are set and who is supervising them. In the United States‚ there is a Department of Education that works with small groups to set standards. Other countries have extremely different systems‚ some more rigorous and others non-existent. In many
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IMPACT OF GOVERNMENT POLICY ON ECONOMY A. INTRODUCTION Generally‚ policies and strategies of Nigerian government towards development are shaped by two principal objectives of desire for economic independence and the demand for economic development. Multi national corporations are expected to bring into Nigeria‚ foreign capital in the form of technical skills‚ entrepreneurship‚ technology and investment fund to boost economic activities thereby‚ rising the standard of living of Nigerian. This can
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is a government organisation‚ which have a very important duty of maintaining law and order in the community. The work police come from the French‚ which refer to government or administration; the word police was coined in France in the 18th century. The police may also be known as a constabulary‚ after constables‚ who were an early manifestation of police officers. (www.en.wikipedia.org). POLICE FORCE STRUCTURE: Home office Police authority chief constable Home office is the government department
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There are different types of childcare options available for early years‚ these include: Sure Start Children’s Centre: Working with parents right from the birth of their child‚ providing early years education for children‚ full day care‚ short-term care‚ health and family support‚ parenting advice as well as training and employment advice. Nursery schools: Provide early learning and childcare for children between three and five years old. They are often based at Sure Start Children’s Centres or
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Tatyana Artyukh Group 2330-24(304) EDUCATION IN ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES Education plays such an important role in our lifes. It is one of the most valuable possessions a man can get. During all periods of human history education ranked high among people. Human progress mostly depended upon well-educated people. Modern life gives us exquisite opportunities of gaining knowledge and in every country they are represented in different ways. Comparing educational systems in Australia‚ Canada
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The controversy of ethical practice in education is becoming evermore prevalent in modern society. “Professional ethics in education are founded upon principles of access and equity‚ behaving with integrity and being respectful and caring…” (Groundwater-Smith‚ Ewing & Le Cornu‚ 2010‚ p. 23).Within the educational environment‚ teaching and parenting are constantly being interwoven‚ so much so that their distinct roles are often distorted. Reading the Case Study‚ entitled WHAT DOES IT SAY WHEN I PUSH
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Roles‚ Responsibilities and Relationships in Lifelong Learning. 1.1: Summarise key aspects of legislation‚ regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities Government legislation and statutory laws are put in place regulate‚ restrict‚ authorise‚ proscribe‚ provide‚ grant‚ sanction or declare. This takes the form of a law or bill which outlines the legal requirements of an organisation. All organisational policies must be in line with government legislation
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