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    have decided to do my research on teen pregnancy and to use symbolic interactionism as my first short report. Symbolic interactionism are based on micro levels analysis‚ which focuses on small groups rather than on larger- scale social structures. It focus more on examining people’s day-to-day interactions and their behavior in groups. George Herbert Mead and Herbert Blumer are the ones who created this perspective. According to them symbolic interaction perspective is a society is the sum of the interactions

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    Symbolic interactionism analyzes the way people socialize by looking at the symbols they use (Carl‚ 2011). These symbols seem random‚ but that is because they are given meaning by the society that uses them. For the purpose of symbolic interactionism‚ symbols refer to the means used to communicate‚ such as language and expressions‚ as well as objects that have a meaning. Symbolic interactionists believe that the way people use and regard these symbols reflect their personal norms and those of their

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    Symoblic interactionism is the theoretical perspective that revolves around societal interaction‚ and the use of "symbols" to interact with one another. A big perspective of symbolic interactionism is human agency‚ which means that humans are vital in developing society. According to this theory‚ society is continually developing as humans continue to interact with each other‚ with the use of symbols. The rational choice theory is all about the idea that people only care about themselves‚ and their

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    participating in substance use will have significantly different views about it than people who see others participating in substance use. What one individual might consider abusing a substance‚ another may see it as just recreational use. Symbolic Interactionism assumes that not only are individuals influenced in their behaviour at the macro-level‚ but also at the meso-level where individuals can negotiate the meanings behind

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    This book shows Symbolic Interactionism because it is the story of Frank Meeink and everything and everyone he has ever encountered. Most of the time Frank is either having a one on one conversation or he is just narrating what is going on. Frank is constantly interacting with people from the start of his story to the end he is rarely by himself even his time in prison he was still surrounded by people he could talk to. I believe Frank accomplished his goals when he wrote this book he wanted everyone

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    The last theory is symbolic interactionism‚ which is “a theoretical perspective in which society is viewed as composed of symbols that people use to establish meaning‚ develop their views of the world‚ and communicate with one another” (Henslin 23). Symbolic interactionism is a micro-level theory that mainly focuses on individuals and social interactions (Soc-101 class notes). By applying symbols to relationships‚ it adds a deeper meaning that would be absent without them. Some symbols can include

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    Symbolic Interaction Symbolic Interactionism originated with two key theorists‚ George Herbert Mead and Charles Horton Cooley. George Herbert Mead was a proponent of this theory and believed that the true test of any theory was that "It was useful in solving complex social problems" The term "symbolic interactionism" has come into use as a label for a relatively distinctive approach to the study of human life and human conduct. The symbolic interaction perspective‚ also called symbolic interactionism

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    he symbolic interactionism in sociology is basically a theory that analyze how a person act and now they view themselves in society. Symbolic interaction also communicates through meanings and objects. Without curtain labels‚ relations nor crimes would not exist. The other theories are conflict theory and functional analysis. Conflict theory is a theory that everyone is competing with one another in effort to be better than others. This theory focuses to use power in society persuade other to follow

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    a look at the struggles of class dominance such as access to employment‚ discrimination and profiling just to name a few. Symbolic interactionist see race as a symbol and as a source of meaning for one’s identity. They really look at the symbol as to what race stands for in society‚ what race stands for to the individual‚ what racism means‚ and how we create racism. Symbolic interactionist looks at how reality and how one’s lived experience

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    Symbolic Interactionism: Studies of Social Construction Hundreds of years before written word‚ theories have been made about words‚ the symbolism behind them‚ and root meanings assigned by social construction. William Shakespeare can be shown as example of this with posed questions by characters in his writings. In Romeo and Juliet‚ the character Juliet poses questions that reflect the symbolism of the name of her and her star-crossed lover Romeo. “O Romeo‚ Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo. Deny

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