2.2‚ 1.1 Identify the current legislation‚ guidelines‚ policies and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of young children. 2.1 Identify the signs and symptoms of common childhood illnesses. Illness Sign and symptoms Chicken pox Child generally feels unwell to begin with and may have a temperature and will then develop red spots (mainly on chest and back to begin with). Spots may then spread to arms‚ legs and face. The spots then change and become more like a liquid filled blister. These
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2 Evaluate how the policies and procedures of the setting support children and young people to; a) Feel safe b) Make a positive contribution c) Develop social and emotional skills d) Understand expectations and limits As part of the Every Child Matters (ECM) program‚ Parkhill Infants School takes a whole school approach in implementing the 5 National Outcomes of this agenda. 2 of the outcomes were; Feel Safe and Make a Positive Contribution. Feel safe; Parkhill Infants School guarantees
Free School Teacher Anxiety
I have fondness for children and I appreciate the invaluable impact that teachers make on the lives of young people. I also realise that the skills and knowledge acquired in the classroom‚ will be used by young people throughout life. Therefore‚ as an aspiring teacher‚ I hope to be a role model that cultivates in young people‚ the knowledge and ability to look at the world critically‚ and the belief in ones capacity to make positive contributions to society. This is my key motivation for applying
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Different types of influences affecting children and young people’s development There are many issues that can affect a child’s development at a young age. Below are just a few areas which may have an adverse effect whilst the child grows. There are many others but we will discuss how a young person’s background‚ health and environment can shape their future. Background In modern times divorces are common with more and more children growing up in single parent families. As a result‚ this puts
Premium Childhood Developmental psychology Health care
~ describe the policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children and young people’s positive behaviour ~ Describe the importance of all staff consistently and fairly applying boundaries and rules for children and young people’s behaviour There are a number of policies in place at the school that all staff are made aware of. We are given a copy of these policies and procedures on joining and asked to sign them‚ they are also on hand‚ should you need to refer to them at any point
Premium Classroom The Child Adult
TDA 3.6 1.3 Explain the importance and benefits of valuing and promoting cultural diversity in work with children and young people. Culture can have many different meanings and the way the word is used has changed over time. Culture can cut across nationalities and religions. It is what gives groups of people in our society their identity. Culture also refers to the way groups live‚ for example – travellers with‚ shared customs‚ thoughts‚ arts‚ language and social activity. Recognising
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1.1 Describe how a learning support practitioner may contribute to the planning‚ delivering and review of learning activities. I contribute to planning by giving verbal and written feedback as well as observing while children play and communicate to see how well the children have done on an activity. All the information that is fed back helps the teacher plan things for the next lesson helping them. I contribute to delivering the lesson by making sure I have read and understood the lesson plans
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1.1 One of the class teachers main roles is to monitor and assess pupil achievement. They need to know how their class are progressing and be able to report on this. The teacher plans the lessons and schemes of work to enable the children to reach their learning objectives. It is important that the teacher‚ children and support staff know the objectives so they can understand the learning that is taking place. A learning support assistant assists the teacher in the delivery of the learning‚ they
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In any context‚ the principles of relationship building with children and adults are the same. People in our company should feel comfortable. This hopefully will encourage more effective communications between each party. People are likely to avoid each other if they are suspicious of intention or they do not get along. Communications are subsequently broken down. Positive relationships need to be nurtured and developed and do not happen by luck. They are built upon everyday with others and there
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Describe why schools have policies and producers. 1.1 Identify the main types of state and independent schools. . Community schools . Foundation and Trust schools . Academies .Free schools .Community schools 2.1 describe the characteristics of the different types of schools in relation to educational stages and schools governance. Community schools- Community schools are run by the local authority‚ who will then employ the school staff‚ they will also set the entrance criteria such as catchment
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