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    The most dangerous game

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    The Most Dangerous Game People have always sought to escape their mundane realities through fantastic stories. Richard Connell “The most dangerous game” provides this type of reprieve from reality. Through hyperbolic‚ stock protagonist and antagonist‚ a simplistic conflict‚ and a happy end “The most dangerous game” presents itself to be purely commercial fiction. Commercial fiction is meant to excite the reader‚ to help them escape reality and "The Most Dangerous Game" has both mystery and

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    The Most Dangerous Game

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    defeat.” After reading “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell‚ I think thins comment is right on target and I agree with him one hundred percent. In the end‚ Zaroff’s attitude about his hunting skills is what caused him to loose the most dangerous game. Zaroff’s lose was due to the fact that he thought he was the best and there was no one out there that could beat him. For example Zaroff‚ in the beginning of the book‚ tells Rainsford how he has never failed in the ‘game’ and how he always wins

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    The Most Dangerous Game

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    slogans really mean is ‘Gone Killing’”. In “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell‚ Sanger Rainsford falls into the water on Shiptrap Island. He goes in search for food and finds a palatial chateau. General Zaroff gives him food and clothes. But‚ then Rainsford finds out about General Zaroff’s game and wants to leave the island immediately and instead of letting him go‚ the general wants to hunt Rainsford. In the end‚ Rainsford ends up winning the “game” and gets to sleep in the bed at the palatial

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    The Most Dangerous Game

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    The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell Mr. Urban – English 1 Name: ___________________________________ Period: ____ Key Literary Terms “The Most Dangerous Game” A protagonist is the main character (the central or primary personal figure) of a literary‚ theatrical‚ cinematic‚ video game‚ or musical narrative‚ around whom the events of the narrative’s plot revolve and with whom the audience is intended to share the most empathy. The principal opponent of the protagonist is a character

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    The Most Dangerous Game

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    Madiha Zehra English 12 Ms. Mar March 17th 3013 The Most Dangerous Game Analysis 1. “The Most Dangerous Game” Richard Connell 2. Characterization: Sanger Rainsford: is the protagonist. Sanger Rainsford‚ is an adventurous big-game hunter who confronts the nature of life and death for the first time in his life during his few frightening days on Ship-Trap Island. Calm and composed‚ Rainsford coolly handles any challenge‚ be it falling overboard in the middle of the night

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    The Most Dangerous Game

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    needs be‚ taken by the strong” (Connell 27). Rainsford did play the “game” in Richard Connell’s short story‚ proving that only the strongest survive. Who knew one fall could lead to so much misfortune. From the minute he fell off his yacht‚ Rainsford found himself in the biggest challenge of his life. In this short story‚ you learn that humans are not the only ones who have feelings‚ but that animals have feelings too. What most readers get out of this story is to be ready for anything that comes

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    The Most Dangerous Game

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    "The Most Dangerous Game"‚ by Richard Cornell was a story which Mr.Cornell used 8 aspects of fiction to show his point of view that one who has intellect can overcome one who has intelligence or instinct. The character’s used in the story gave the author a way to make his point of view come clear to his audience. The story uses sequence of events. The plot is how the story goes about. The setting is the surroundings of the story‚ or where it takes place. The suspense is the temporary holding

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    The Most Dangerous Game

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    In the short story “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell the author presents many kinds of different conflicts and events in short story to enhance the mood. Examples of this can be seen in many places in the short story like man vs.. Man ; this is between the character of the story. This can also include two of the main characters and also between to enemies. Another example would be man vs.. Nature ;this is when a character fights the nature to survive. Also‚ man vs.. Self; this is when

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    The Most Dangerous Game

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    Animal Intelligence In the beginning of “The Most Dangerous Game” Rainsford stated “Who cares how a jaguar feels?....They’ve no understanding.” “The Most Dangerous Game” is a short story about how a character believes that animals do not have feelings‚ just when he‚ ironically‚ gets hunted himself‚ but by a human. The author‚ Richard Connell‚ has written various American short stories for all ages. Contrary to Rainsford’s statement‚ I believe that all animals can reason. If humans cannot understand

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    The Most Dangerous Game

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    beings‚ he hunts them down and kills them‚ and what’s worse is he gets pleasure out of this. He keeps many humans or what he calls “pupils” in his cellar that he uses for his sick and radical games. He uses everything from dogs to guns to hunt for them and he also has a henchman that helps him and does most of the torture‚ but leaves the killing to Zarrof. This man is sick and I would say retarded in the sense that he doesn’t think that he will ever be punished for this. He does not comprehend

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