Pre-Socratic Philosophers Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 1. Who Were the Presocratic Philosophers? Our understanding of the Presocratics is complicated by the incomplete nature of our evidence. Most of them wrote at least one “book” (short pieces of prose writing‚ it seems‚ or‚ in some cases‚ poems of not great length)‚ but no complete work survives. Instead‚ we are dependent on later philosophers‚ historians‚ and compilers of collections of ancient wisdom for disconnected quotations (fragments)
Premium Plato
Socratic Seminar Questions 1. Do you think Medea should’ve let the children live? If so‚ who do you think she would’ve chosen and why? If not‚ why do you think Medea killed the children? I think it was right for Medea to kill the children. The children are a “product” during Medea and Jason’s relationship. Since Medea feels like Jason betrayed and tainted their relationship‚ she feels like letting the children not live is like destroying every last remnant of their
Premium Justice Jason KILL
Question 1: Napoleon and Snowball each used propaganda tactics to persuade their audience in the book‚ Animal Farm. Snowball used tactics that gained him the support of his followers using a propaganda method known as “Plain Folks”. Specifically‚ “Snowball read it [the seven commandments] aloud for the benefit of the others. All the animals nodded in complete agreement” (43). By convincing the listeners that he was applying these rules for their greater good‚ he gained their trust and their
Premium Animal Farm Animal The Animals
The Great Gatsby Socratic Seminar Paul Earnest Semar 11 2/19/14 1. The american dream is a dream that people have for themselves in order to become happy
Premium F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby United States
Does participating in professional development on Socratic Seminars result in higher reading comprehension scores than implementing this dialogic strategy without professional development? My hypothesis is‚ that the teacher who receives professional development on implementing the Socratic Seminar will see higher reading comprehension scores than the other teacher. By receiving explicit training on how to effectively and meaningful use this strategy the teacher will be able to guide their students
AFTER SOCRATIC SEMINAR QUESTIONS I feel that the seminar went very well because we had some very good conversations with different perspectives about the story. Everybody got a chance t say what they want to say and all of the topics were covered in detail. My experience as the moderator of the seminar was very fun because i felt like i had the power to control the seminar. I enjoyed being able to talk to everybody about the topics and it was really cool to see everyone’s perspectives on the questions
Premium Learning Psychology Education
Socratic Seminar Questions 2. The pomegranate tree is a symbol of the different stages of Hassan and Amir’s friendship. "One summer day‚ I used one of Ali’s kitchen knives to carve our names on it: "Amir and Hassan‚ the sultans of Kabul.’ Those words made it formal: the tree was ours" (26). This quote represents Amir and Hassan’s relationship between them during their early childhood. They are extremely close and carving their names on the tree shows that they will be a part of each other’s
Premium Pomegranate
makes right DARWINISM – evolution caused by natural selection; survival of the fittest NATURALISM – all events can be explained by natural causes and scientific laws EMPIRICISM – all knowledge comes from what can be perceived by the senses SOCRATIC METHOD – method of teaching that uses discussion and questioning to reach a logical solution foreseen by the instructor FREE WILL – doctrine that conduct of the individual is the result of personal choice‚ not divine forces or fate ROMANTICS – characterized
Premium Philosophy
Frankenstein Socratic Seminar Questions 1. Explain the novel’s popularity. What makes the novel a classic? How is the story appropriate for today and our society? -Frankenstein is important because Shelley wrote this "horrifying" book about a creature made of dead body parts. It opened doors to all kinds of science fiction and horror. It was one of the‚ if not the first of its’ kind. The monster was judged on his appearance. Becoming a symbol to today’s critical view of each other‚ and that in order
Premium Frankenstein Mary Shelley
Ryan Conrad Socratic Circle – Life of Pi Literature Mrs. Crow Question 1: What theme statement would you write for Life of Pi? (Remember‚ a theme statement is NOT a topic or a question or a moral. It is a declarative statement that joins the topic with your judgment.) Defend/explain your statement with evidence from the text. Answer 1: Throughout the book‚ religion was a major part of Pi’s survival. The author uses a character that follows three religions in order to prove that all religions
Premium Religion Fiction Yann Martel