What is Rain? Rain‚ Rain‚ go away‚ come back another day we all remember singing that as children. Back in those days‚ rain just meant we could not play outside. What is rain though? To some it is the spherical combination of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. To others rain means a bad hair day. Many people don’t have a specific definition of rain; others have different meanings because of different backgrounds. To me rain evokes emotions. Rain makes me think gloomy‚ depressed thoughts
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Singin’ In The Rain The author wrote this play for entertainment purposes‚ and also to depict Hollywood’s transition from silent films to "talkies". Though there doesn’t really seem to be any important messages or meanings to the play‚ I felt that the main message behind the play is that things are not always what they seem to be‚ and this was displayed multiple times throughout the play. Don Lockwood and Lena Lamont were thought to be together because of propaganda. Lockwood and his love
Premium Actor Theatre Singing
March 28‚ 2014 ACID RAIN ENVIRONMENAL EFFECTS What is acid rain? It’s a rain or any other form of precipitation that is unusually acidic‚ meaning that it possesses elevated levels of hydrogen ions (low pH). It can have harmful effects on plants‚ aquatic animals and infrastructure. Acid rain is caused by emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide‚ which react with the water molecules in the atmosphere to produce acids. The most obvious environmental effect of acid rain has been the loss of
Premium Oxygen Carbon dioxide Acid rain
Many species of animals live in the Amazon Rain Forest. The rain forest itself‚ covering nearly 40 percent of South America‚ contains one in every ten species known on earth (“World’s” 1). Around 500 species of mammals‚ 475 reptiles‚ and one third of the world’s birds live in the Amazon. Although they all live in the same general area‚ animals have different habitats‚ diets‚ and life spans. A few of the many animals are the Scarlet macaw‚ Anaconda‚ Giant Amazon River Turtle‚ and the Howler Monkey
Premium Amazon Rainforest Primate Amazon River
Acid Rain and its Chemistry Acid rain is a type of pollution that is becoming a major threat to our planet and is need of attention. Acid rain has significantly increased ever since the industrial revolution‚ and now around the world‚ countries like Russia‚ China‚ and those in Europe are facing increasing levels of acidity in their rain. Not only is it becoming more acidic but it is also spreading by the pumping of sulfuric gasses deeper into the atmosphere from of the use of taller smokestacks
Free Oxygen Acid rain Sulfuric acid
Acid Rain Definition: The term acid rain refers to what scientists call acid deposition. It is caused by airborne acidic pollutants and has highly destructive results. Scientists first discovered acid rain in 1852‚ when the English chemist Robert Agnus invented the term. From then until now‚ acid rain has been an issue of intense debate among scientists and policy makers. Acid rain‚ one of the most important environmental problems of all‚ cannot be seen. The invisible gases that cause acid
Premium Acid rain Pollution PH
The Effects of Acid Rain Bio-105 Abstract The effects of acid rain is damaging no matter how you look at the picture. Acid rain effects open areas more than forests due to the trees blocking some of the rain from hitting the ground. Acid rain is monitored by using emissions monitors. This helps figure out how much acid is in rainwater. Acid rain is harmful to fish by killing off entire species. Acid rain is harmful to living creatures‚ but many do not realize how toxic it can be to
Premium Sedimentary rock Rock Igneous rock
P5 Describe first aid and common treatments used for four different types of sport injury’s Soft tissue injuries like hamstrings can range in severity‚ a hamstring injury occurs when the muscles fibres become irritated‚ strained‚ or teared it can range from a hour of discomfort to weeks out of sport and can cause bruising and discoloration to the area due to blood being realised from the injured muscle. The pain will occur at the back of the leg in between the glutes and the back of the knee. This
Premium Knee Anterior cruciate ligament Concussion
Rain Forest Biome Table Of Contents Climate The Four Levels of the Rainforest. Plant Life Animals Have you ever been to a rainforest? Well knows your chance for a limited time offer since many rainforests are disappearing see them now. Let me explain the wonderful reasons why you would want to go to the rainforest. Think about it. Imagine a foggy forest with birds churpping and monkeys calling. Also you would get to see very rare plants and trees. All this and more when you come to
Premium Rainforest Tropics Plant
The purpose of this experiment was to study the effect acid rain has on seed germination and after performing this experiment is can be concluded that acid rain has a negative effect on seed germination. When seeds are soaked in an acidic solution the process of germination slows. Acidic solutions‚ while do slow growth of a seed‚ they do not kill the seed. A seed can be dormant for a majority of its lifespan‚ seeds watered with acid solutions stayed in a dormant condition. For example‚ trial three