In Slough we have a Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board made up of representatives from the Council‚ NHS‚ Police‚ independent care providers and the voluntary sector. A new Independent Safeguarding Authority is to replace the Protection of Vulnerable Adults (POVA) scheme with a more comprehensive system and ensure a safe workforce for those who work with vulnerableadults.ISA is responsible for maintaining a list of people who are not suitable to work with vulnerable individuals. Employers
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of those working with Safeguard Adults to understand the national and local context of safeguarding in protection from abuse. Conflicts in this regard may arise where service users are subjected to abuse in an organisation. The organisation has to work in partnership with statutory agencies which may include: 1. Statutory agencies e.g. Commissioners. 2. Voluntary agencies. 3. Independent private providers of care. 4. Contracted organisations e.g. Local Authority Contracts Team‚ within Sandwell
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Unit 5 Understand the national and local context of safeguarding and protection from abuse. National policies: Disclosure and Barring service Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) No Secrets (England) In Safe Hands (Wales) 2000 Human Rights Act 1998 Care Quality Commission (CQC) Local Systems: Safeguarding Adults boards- North Wales Area (Current Chair-Chris Pearson) These bring together a number of different local agencies‚ police‚ MIND‚ advocacy groups‚ social workers‚ G.Ps. The Police-
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1.3 Describe factors that may contribute to an individual being more vulnerable to abuse There are certain factors that have the potential to make individuals more vulnerable to abuse. These include: Not enough trained staff Staff being under stress/personal issues Mental awareness of individual i.e. dementia Greed of the carer If the carer was abused themselves; may make it more likely for them to become an abuser Communication difficulties Individuals that do not have good support networks i.e
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have reported the abuse of neglect to the manager concerning the child. The manager brushes the issue off and replies “I’ve known the family for years; they would never neglect the child”. The neglect continues and the child has become isolated from the children as their clothing has a strange smell. The practioner eventually acts in good faith and takes the matter into the local children services. The case was taken further and investigated. The member of staff who reported the abuse was protected against
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work together in even of allegations of child abuse. | This act is reflected in the policies and procedures in setting. These state detail what procedures I should follow if I suspect abuse. | Childrens Act 2004 | The death of Victora Climbie highlighted the short coming of the previous act and resulted in the Children Act 2004. | This act integrated the children’s services and the introduction of childrens directors with responsibility for local authority education and childrens social services
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Safeguarding Adults from Abuse Staff Handbook This guidance booklet has been produced to help people working directly with vulnerable adults to understand how to raise concerns they may have about abuse. This booklet supplements the Safeguarding Adult Guidelines. ] It is the responsibility of everyone to recognise suspected or actual abuse and to take appropriate action in line with the procedures in this document. IGNORING ABUSE IS NOT AN OPTION ] All individuals regardless of age‚ ability‚ race
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Matters ISA Independent Safeguarding Authority Introduction In this assignment I will underpin how the multi agency team can help safeguarding children’s rights linking in to practise‚ with past‚ present and future legislation including policies and procedures which have protected children and families and also safeguarding incidents that have changed our practice. The assignment will discuss safeguarding across the board from settings‚ local and national policies and procedures‚ what
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Unit 025 – Safeguarding 1.2 – tASK 2 Explain Child Protection within the wider context of safe guarding children and young people. Child protection should always be the primary concern of all those who work with children and young people. Safeguarding encompasses child protection‚ support‚ counselling‚ and prevention of harm‚ education and providing all of the things that a child needs to develop. Safeguarding a child is ensuring that they have the support and opportunity to achieve their potential
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Level 3 Assessment Unit 4: Understand how to safeguard the welfare of children and young people Y/601/1695 Credit Value 3 Your details |Name: Jatinder Kaur Randhawa |School: Willow Primary School | |OCR Candidate Number: |Date:
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