Outcome 1 – Be able to contribute to assessments of the development needs of children and young people Outcome 1 – Be able to contribute to assessments of the development needs of children and young people (1.1) Share your EYFS assessment records and observations with your assessor For confidentiality reasons these records are kept in the office in a locked cabinet. Assessor to confirm that observations are carried out in all areas of development (1.2) List different observation methods and give
Premium Childhood Observation Young
UNIT: TDA 2.2 SAFEGUARDING THE WELFARE OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE. Question 1. TDA 2.2: LEARNING OUTCOME 2.4 Describe in detail the actions that you would take response to the following emergency situations in your setting to include: • Fire • Security incidents • Missing children and young people *********************************************************************** EMERGENCY SITUATIONS FIRE: If i discovered a fire on the premises i would
Premium Teacher Childhood
CYP M3.3 Understand how to safeguard the well being of Children and Young People 1.1 Outline current legislation‚ guidelines‚ policies and procedures within own Home Nation affecting the safeguarding of children and young people. Polices and procedures for safeguarding and child protection in England and Wales are the result of the Children Act 1989 and in Northern Ireland of the Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995. The Children Act 2004 introduced further changes to the way the child protection
Premium United Kingdom Criminal Records Bureau England
The Concerns of Obesity in Children and Young People Introduction Fat adults are fat because they eat too much fatty food and do not get enough exercise. Fat children are healthy and cute. Fat teenagers are not. Fat people are funny. Fat people can lose weight if they really wanted to. These are just a few common perceptions the public have of people who are over their ideal body weight. What most people do not know is that being overweight or obese carry with it a myriad of health
Premium Obesity
safeguarding the welfare of children and young people including e-safety Children Act 1989 This Act identifies the responsibilities of parents and professionals who must work to ensure the safety of the child. This Act includes two important sections which focus specifically on child protection. The Education Act 2002 This sets out the responsibilities of Local Education Authorities (LEAs) governing bodies‚ head teachers and all those working in schools to ensure that children are safe and free from
Premium Local Education Authority Occupational safety and health Childhood
2.1 describe with examples the kinds of influences that affect children and young people. Different kinds of influences within each area Example of how the influence could affect children and young people Background Parent and child stable relationship‚ love‚ affection‚ family values‚ quality time It could affect their future relationships with partners and also their own children but if they do receive its showing them how a parent / child relationships should and can be because
Premium Developmental psychology Psychology Childhood
Working with Children & Young People with Autism The Austrian psychologist Dr Leo Kanner first used the term autism in 1943‚ but it wasn’t until 1996 that the phrase Autistic Spectrum Disorder was coined by Dr Lorna Wing to identify a whole range of disorders affecting the development of social interaction‚ communication and social imagination‚ know as the Triad of Impairments. The spectrum includes classic autism‚ asperger syndrome‚ childhood disintegrative disorder and pervasive development
Premium Autism Asperger syndrome Pervasive developmental disorder
Unit 02 – Safeguarding the welfare of children and young people 1. Using the headings provided‚ briefly describe the key points of each of the following guidelines and legislation. (1.1) and analyse how these guidelines affect the day to day work with young children (1.3) The Children act 1989 The aim of this act is to simplify the laws that are already in place‚ which protect children and young people in the UK. It was seen as a “serious shake up” of children’s rights and protection‚ and also
Premium Childhood Developmental psychology Psychology
Support Children and Young People ’s Health and Safety This essay will provide knowledge and understanding of supporting children and young people ’s health and safety. In my placement there are many policies regarding health and safety when working with children. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Act 1999 and The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 require all schools to have policies and procedures to ensure the safety of staff and children. If the policies and procedures are not in
Premium Occupational safety and health Risk Safety
Standard 1: understanding the principles and values essential for working with children and young people. 1. Principles and values a. Show how you promote the principles and values essential for working with children; young people their families and their carers. .At Clayfields house all children‚ young people their families and carers are all treated with respect. Families and carers are always updated on children’s or young people’s progress during their time at Clayfields and any
Premium Young Youth Childhood