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    Abortion – Nip LIFE in the bud Introduction Definition: The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy is called abortion (before child birth‚ at the early stage of embryo). Abortion could also occur spontaneously due to miscarriage. But in this context we discuss about deliberate abortion‚ issues of it‚ current dispersion around the world‚ affected parties and consequences‚ legal background and ethical philosophies used in analysis of this issue. Description of the issue. Whatever the reason

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    ABORTION INTRODUCTION New law in Spain: outlawing abortions except in rape cases or where the mother’s health is in danger. BENEFITS OF ABORTION It is a common belief that abortion is primarily used by women who simply don’t want a baby. While this reasoning can be true‚ there are other situations in which an abortion could actually be beneficial and even life-saving.  PREVENT MENTAL TRAUMA There are numerous situations in which an unplanned pregnancy can cause excessive amounts of stress and physical

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    Abortion Should Remain Legal Ashley English 3° February 21‚ 2013 Abortion Should Remain Legal Keeping abortion legal would protect women’s health‚ provide families with an alternative choice‚ and eliminate pregnancy laws that conflict with our free society. I. Protect women’s health A. Abortion methods 1. Legal methods 2. Illegal methods B. Illegal abortion mortality rate II. Choice A. Unintended pregnancy B. Age C. Marital status D.

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    Abortion To begin with‚ abortion is a process to which creates either a miscarriage or a failure in a women pregnancy. Abortion is a topic which could be argued in many ways because many views are taken into account. Some people may believe it could be a good thing and it could be seen as a very pleasant way to get rid of a unborn baby before it becomes an actual child. By contrast‚ many religions are against abortion‚ which is later interpreted in this essay. This issue takes account of many

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    Abortion Nina Reyes Physical Education Mitchell Wagner November 8‚ 2013 Abortion should be illegal except in extreme cases such as rape or when a mother is in danger of dying. Many people are against abortion; which is the act of killing a baby (fetus) while in the womb. There are a few different procedures available for abortion that are physically‚ emotionally‚ and mentally harming. In the end‚ people will always have their own vies or opinions on abortion

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    Allen Lin Stevens P.4 American Holocaust Abortion is not a personal issue‚ nor is it just a woman’s issue. It is‚ undeniably‚ a human rights issue. Accounting for more than 1.21 million deaths per year‚ abortion is the highest ranked cause of death of Americans.1 Today‚ abortion kills more than heart disease‚ cancer‚ respiratory disease‚ accidents‚ homicides‚ suicide‚ and cancer–combined.2 The number of American babies killed by abortion each year is roughly equal to the number of U.S. military

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    Informative Speech Topic: Abortion Organizational Pattern: Topical General Purpose: To Inform Supervised by: Dr. Ahmad Mosleh Date: AUL/Jadra December 2014 Table Of Contents: Introduction and definition of Abortion History of Abortion Types of Abortion Methods of Abortion Legality of Abortion Risk and Side Effects Conclusion Introduction:___________________________________ What do you think about abortion? Most people try not to think about it. They wish to avoid the

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    baby and tried to induce an abortion by jumping up and down.  “When nothing happened‚ I started banging my stomach against the window. It was painful‚” she recalled. Finally‚ Jocelyn lost her baby. The family lives on US$4 a day‚ earned by her husband.  According to a 2008 study (made public last week) by the Guttmacher Institute‚ a non-profit organisation which carries out research on reproductive health‚ there are an estimated 560‚000 cases of induced abortions per year‚ resulting in some

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    OUTLINE Topic: Abortion should be banned in all over the world. I. Introduction: Abortion should be banned in all over the world for 2 main reasons : Its bad effect to women’s life and its immorality II. Body: 1. Abortion causes a lot of negative effects on not only women’s physical health but also their psychology: 1.1 Definition of abortion: 1.2Negative effects: + Physical health: + Emotions + Other risks 2 Abortion is against humanity III counterargument and refutation

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    Is Abortion Right? Or Is It Wrong? There is a huge subject debate on the word abortion which is still going on today because it is such a controversial topic that some states are continuing to change the law‚ so that abortion can once again be illegal. However‚ throughout the world‚ there are about 115‚000 abortions going on every day and some people are fine with it. An abortion is when a woman decides to kill her unborn child for whatever her reason(s) is/are. That is why many people consider

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